Fav Character (David Eddings)

Ce'Nedra would have to be one of my special characters...so feisty when necessary! :D

I also enjoy the rather dry wit of Belgarath...

Eddings has given most of his characters some wonderful traits...
A have always had a soft spot for the rogue with a sense of humour and a certain disregard for the rules, so mine are Silk and Althalus
Silk is number ONE for me. And Belgarath but only when he's in that.. carping mood (and that is most of the time :))
By the way, I've always wondered why the charactes have no surnames like in other series.
This is my first post here.

Well, my favorite characters are..

In Belgariad/Malloreon: Durnik, Polgara and Mandorallen.
In Elenium/Tamuli: Martel, Berit and Khalad (I think I'm in love with Martel, actually).
In Althalus: Althalus and Ghend (sp?).
In Dreamers: Longbow (sp?) and Keselo.
Cap'tCrash said:
I just adore Silk, there is no mind more devious around snd boy can that man haggle!

Silk without a doubt, can't wait for what he does next.
My favourite David Eddings character is Silk, I also love Althalus (a flawed hero, I love that!) and most recently I have fallen in love with Rabbit.

Small, quick and cunning really appeals to me.
Well Silk was my fave until I met Mandorallen, it was then that I started serial dating. For some reason I also loved Sadi the eunuch and Zakath.
Zakath was a good character. Even at the end of the Belgariad, when he fought against Garion's (or rather, Ce'Nedra's) army, he was one of the most interesting characters in the series, and I was glad when he was introduced as part of the Malloreon.
I'm going to say... Silk is probably the first on my list, followed closely by Belgarath (It's because of the way he and Silk talk with each other) and Brill (because he bounces...)
Man oh Man tough call. I think my favourite would have to be Silk. Not because he is intelligent or devious. as a matter of fact I think those traits are a meer facade for the true Kheldar. The reason for him being my fave can be found in the pages of the Belgariad after he has seen his mother. At this point in the series Kheldar emerges and we see his true character. Silk, Ambar, and even Radek are dismissed as he weeps in Porenn's arms. Beyond that I would have to say Liselle but only because she allows the readers to see more deeply into Kheldar.
A very tough call indeed RogueKnight. Definitely Silk is up there - and for all the reasons you mentioned - but I would be remiss if I did not include Polgara in the list. And of course Garion/Belgarion! How I loved watching the boy grow in to a man and accept his place as the Rivan King.

I'm also really enjoying Longbow in the newest series; The Dreamers.
Although I wasn't the biggest fan of The Dreamers (It started ok for me, but the last two books weren't as strong, in my opinion) I did like the character of Rabbit. Another of Eddings' thief-types - although he wasn't a thief, he just followed the "Silk" role - but still one of the better characters.:)
my fav char is a toss up between Beldin and Belgarath i mean doesnt get much better then that... Beldin a dwarf of immense power as dirty as a mud puddle and with a mouth that couldnt be cleaned by bleach. and Belgarath the Vagabond who is the most powerful man in the world. he does things because he likes to and wears what is comfortable. i mean those are two very lovable characters (just dont try to hug Beldin...)

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