If we're going to get into slang from different countries...(which is off topic but hey!)...
From an Oz point of view, one of the best is the Canadian clothing company "Roots" and the way Americans "root" for their favourite sports teams.
The word "root" has an utterly different meaning in Oz slang. Australian is a very descriptive language. Procreation is but one aspect of life for which we have many varied and colourful expressions.
I couldn't help myself. I had to buy a sweatshirt with "ROOTS" in big letters with a picture of a beaver underneath. I mean, I understand this combination is quite okay in Canada with the beaver being a national symbol and all but, honestly, when looked from the Oz point of view...
Luckily, it's summer here and I can't wear it yet. I'm hoping that by winter I'll have the intestinal fortitude to do it. Thing is I love that red they use in teh Roots clothing. It's a wonderful colour. (Trouble is the sweatshirt's navy blue - they didn't have any red ones left at Vancouver airport.)
From an Oz point of view, one of the best is the Canadian clothing company "Roots" and the way Americans "root" for their favourite sports teams.
The word "root" has an utterly different meaning in Oz slang. Australian is a very descriptive language. Procreation is but one aspect of life for which we have many varied and colourful expressions.
I couldn't help myself. I had to buy a sweatshirt with "ROOTS" in big letters with a picture of a beaver underneath. I mean, I understand this combination is quite okay in Canada with the beaver being a national symbol and all but, honestly, when looked from the Oz point of view...
Luckily, it's summer here and I can't wear it yet. I'm hoping that by winter I'll have the intestinal fortitude to do it. Thing is I love that red they use in teh Roots clothing. It's a wonderful colour. (Trouble is the sweatshirt's navy blue - they didn't have any red ones left at Vancouver airport.)