My neice, Jasmine, goes to a private evangelical school and talks back to the religious instructors. But they understand as she has two grandparents who are in the ministry...Her Grandpa Willie is actually a Bishop! So they tend to help her when she soapboxes (same religion by the by) so different from the Catholic school she first attended...the nun's wanted her gone or tried to convert her! My son hears the word Religion and runs in the opposite direction... doesn't even believe in the effacacy of prayer.... so like my father! Gosh, I don't know, I have been to public schools so I avoided the topic of religion except in the meeting house (church). I don't know if I could sit still if some one gave me mandatory religion classes.... unless it was on their teachings and beliefs and we could study them and push envelopes et cetera. Guess that iswhy my bro calls Hans Kung the best Lutheran around!