alien races...

Welcome John Grinstead and Prankster!

Hello John Grinstead and Prankster,

I will start a Welcome thread for each of you in the Newbie section. To get there just Click on the underlined Stargate at the top of the page. When the menu pops up Click on Newbie Section and look for your names.

John the Mirror was destroyed in Season 3's Point of View! So we can't go through that one again. Darn. But we still have solar flares ~the type that allowed the transportation of the team in 1969.

Prankster, I want to see Nick Ballard again and the aliens he is studying!
Well, now we're assuming that there's only one dimensional mirror "per dimension"...
there are a lot of stargates, so maybe the race that made the mirror made a lot of them, so that they could travel to diff. dimensions from diff. planets?..
I am now begining to feel like Jack did in POV.... an alternate alternate universe...

Yes, that is an interesting and rather scary thought... I wonder if that is why so few of the realities were freee of the goa'uld?allthose mirrors!
Scary thought maybe, but I hope there are all those mirrors. I really like all those parallel universe eps.

anywayz, whatever happened to the person who was meant to become Daniel's assistant at the end of the ep "New Ground" in series 3, and what happened to that annoying Cadet Hallie?
Nyan was the person who was supposed to be Daniel's assistant. And we don't know what happened to him. I presume he is working in that capacity for the SGC. I think Cadet Halley went back to the Academy and finished out her courses.. that was implied.
Nyan was a really really cool guy, I'd love to see him again, but I'm afraid we won't, and the Asgard are sweet too. I'd love to hear if the replicators, I just thought of something, that might be of use to them, EMP that would be sweet.
