Star Trek steals from Stargate!


X-Files spolier space missin!!!!!

The new series only started last week here!

kel sha,

have startrek fans not the same right to see same storylines as stargate fans ? ;)

perhaps there are some startrek fans who don't watch stargate (very, very big error *g*) and so they don't know a storyline like this ...

kree sha
Those poor Star Trek fans just dont know what theyre missin' (heeheehee!!)
well I'm a convert... I was a trekker back in the day, but SG-1 is by far my fave out of the two now..

In fact SG-1 is second only to Buffy, and thats saying something... ;)
Loved Star Trek before there was anything else (except for The Man From Uncle) during that Sci-Fi dark age, the eighties. DSN got borin after seein B5. But I still tune in every Monday!!
sorry bout the lack of spoiler space, it's been so long i forgot someone was actually 'behind' us in a show...

i too was a total trekker but...well it's just gotten old.after a while the 'holier than thou' attitude of trek just gets a bit too much and i look forward to some more ambiguous morals of sg or both of htem the good guys don't always win...and that's what makes it good.
trek has an incredibly annoying habit of going back to the status quo in the last 5 minutes...
The famous Trek reset switch. I hate the fact that when something happens they never mention it again. I still watch it but I dont know if we really need another Trek series just now. Do they have any new stories they can tell?
Series 5.

There is plenty of room for new stories and a Series 5.

If you want to talk about Star Trek come to the Star Trek Forum- you must be tired of talking about Stargate- we already have a discussion on Series 5 going here:

The 'reset switch'.... I don't think they do that as much as they used to. The Original Series did it because the episodes were meant to be 'stand alone', to be viewed in any order you happened to get in syndication. TNG and DS9 had some very long story arcs in which things did change. The problem really is Voyager. Although I still like it, I do have some big criticisms of it, and I unfortunately have to agree with a lot of what you have said here.
TNG was good.
DSN wrote itself into a hole and seemed to not bother with the big war very much. The chracters and stories didnt always come across as being told in the middle of a warzone not like in B5 where the war was always a main driving point of the stories.
Voyager uses the reset switch alot. (and it bugs me although I enjoy the series.)
kel sha,

sorry little bit drunken but it sems sto be some peopleee here do not nderstand fun -- ther ere are spme guys (or women ) who thinkj i'mrealyy think i'm Apophis -- it'S true that i'm apopjis ' fiist prime and i enjoyy livin' @ chulajk ... have a nice nighht and gressting s from austria .. c'yxa al

Originally posted by Geronimo
sorry little bit drunken
Slight undertsatement isn't it?! Reading your post, it seems like you're a bit
, nopt to mention
! got a hangover yet?! ;)
kel sha,

yeah it was a party that's why the text is a little bit "confusing" :)
but except of a little headache and some hurt @ my hand i'm ready for action again ;)

may apophis be with you !
Austria on Chulak?


We have an Austria here on Earth as well. Our Austria is an entire country in Europe and is famous for its beer
(a fermented alcoholic beverage). Do you have beer on Chulak or do you drink sour milk or some such nonsense? I was considering signing up for your army but not if I have to drink sour milk! Please respond. gfps
kel sha,

*LOL* - i know this beer and all of Austria's wonderful landscapes and people 'cos it's my second home (before i joined Apophis army) ..
when u're on duty u aren't allowed to drink but when u're not on duty there some alcoholic drinks are allowed - we've beer on Chulak, too , 'cos i exported it from Austria ;)
but there are some good mixtures on Chulak which contains liquids that make u much "luckier" :) :)

kree sha

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