k -- perhaps the tau'ri aren't primitive ('cos of their technical developement) but what's the measure for "primitiveness" ?
(e.g. the tau'ri call the abydonians primitve but on the other side the tollan call the tau'ri primitive) ..
and there's another thing that's interesting -- if the tollan call the tau'ri "primitive" jack & co. get angry but on the other side the tau'ri call other civilisations "primitive" ...
lek'tol !
k -- perhaps the tau'ri aren't primitive ('cos of their technical developement) but what's the measure for "primitiveness" ?
(e.g. the tau'ri call the abydonians primitve but on the other side the tollan call the tau'ri primitive) ..
and there's another thing that's interesting -- if the tollan call the tau'ri "primitive" jack & co. get angry but on the other side the tau'ri call other civilisations "primitive" ...
lek'tol !