Goa'uld armor questions (the whole suit) ..


k -- perhaps the tau'ri aren't primitive ('cos of their technical developement) but what's the measure for "primitiveness" ?
(e.g. the tau'ri call the abydonians primitve but on the other side the tollan call the tau'ri primitive) ..

and there's another thing that's interesting -- if the tollan call the tau'ri "primitive" jack & co. get angry but on the other side the tau'ri call other civilisations "primitive" ...

lek'tol !
Originally posted by Geronimo

and there's another thing that's interesting -- if the tollan call the tau'ri "primitive" jack & co. get angry but on the other side the tau'ri call other civilisations "primitive" ...
that's probably just human nature. or an American Military Inferiority complex. I wonder if Teal'c would take offence if the asgaard called him primitive. but even if he did, who'd be able to tell? :) no offence to any1 intended.

~Shu Hunter
:upto: stargate fan{atic}
Originally posted by kelsi
Not too good against SG-1 michine guns, I've noticed tho... :rolleyes:
Nor against either staff weapons nor zat guns. It seems to have some protection against limited ballistic weapons - but heavy fire will still get through.

As I have suggested elsewhere - I wonder about a heavy attack by medieval longbowmen: 3 foot arrows, flying literally by the hundred, that would pierce plate steel armour, at 150+ yards, fired by people who train week in and week out for 5 or more years, constantly, just to be able to draw the bows...

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