Best Discworld story arc?

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
My personal favourite was the "Guards! Guards!" and "Men at Arms" story arc - though I hear there's a third?

I don;t know why I really liked these - maybe because sometimes Prachett has a habit of sometimes waffling, or maybe he takes the caricature too far. In these books it was a simple set of stories, about simple people, but leanly told.

The part that I find most memorable, actually, is when the guards captain is at a posh dinner party with his other half, and he makes an observation that the rich guests make a point of talking about trying to talk about subjects they obviously knew nothing about. I really liked that observation. :)

Any others, though? Rincewind stories or Nanny Ogg, etc?
I like any stories that involve the members of Unseen University - I don't know why but I really like hearing about such a bumbling group of misfits. Maybe I can relate? :D They always tend to get involved in stuff they know nothing about and have no idea how to resolve the situation. It all ends up ok in the end, and they've no clue that they were more hindrance than help. In this respect their stories are quite like The Pink Panther movies. Inspector Clouseau had no idea he was so hopeless.

I also like the witch tales, those with Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax. These are the kind of witches I'd like to sit down to tea with (as long as I could bring my own tea!).
Night Watch is another Vimes of my favs. Of Course....Nanny Ogg rocks! I have to say that her tales are some of Pratchett's best., or change my avatar :) I think it is the characters that keep me coming back for more. They are unforgettable.
The Vimes stories, really. They are all a very pleasurable read. I find him to be the best, in my opinion at least, realized character of the series.
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Miss Susan rocks all the way. She's the perfect governess, like Mary Poppins if she were a really mean bugger who spent fourteen years as a US Marines drill seargent. Thief of Time is brilliant.
My favourite is "Soul Music". Actually i don't know why. Maybe because I like Death? But this book has sth in it. I don't hesitate to call it my favourite book of all I've ever read. There were some extra phrases about cheering the moment. I don't know, this book have some magic in it. But maybe when I read the rest I haven't read, I'll change my mind...
I gotta say that anything with Death or Susan in will get my attention...

Also, I like the Watch characters... Some really freaky folks... And the fact that the Assassins Guild are totally incapable of killing Sam Vimes!!! HAHAHA!!!

There are some characters that I miss... Luggage, Cohan the Barbarian, Cassanunder, Granny Weatherwax...
I love the City Watch, I could read just those books for the rest of my life and be happy...

Granny Weatherwax and her colleagues are a close second, though, Susan I'm not too keen on, but any appearance by Death is welcome...

The only one who really gets on my nerves is Rincewind...I think because he was Pratchett's first DW character, and in those first couple of books you can really see he still wasn't sure which way to go with it - parody and satire of just the fantasy genre or of the whole world in general...They got better later on, but for some reason I don't enjoy them as much, they have the wrong sort of feel to them...
Seth God Of Chaos said:
actually there is a large amount of books in the watch series these are

1 Guards guards
2 men at arms
3 Feet of clay
5 jingo
6 the fifth elephant
7 night watch

I'd add the thruth and few parts of monstruous regiment in it.
Fifth elephant has Watch in ?

And of course the next one, the Thud
Fifth Elephant is when Vimes goes to Uberwald as a diplomat...One of my favourites
Have to get this one. Hopefully I'll learn why he hates vampires so much.
Definitly Death, but witches come a clsoe second. The only ones I don't like are Rincewind's... too long winded for me
Actually, I like most of TP's books EXCEPT the witches. I don't know, but some of the storylines in these books are slightly boring.

The best book has to be The Fifth Elephant, or another of the Watch books...
I thought the best story arc was Small Gods.
The philosophers made me laugh, as did the small fisherman trying to sell fish to the generals as they invade Om

not to mention the mad hermit in the desert.
But I pretty much like all of Terry Pratchett's stuff (including the Diggers series & The Carpet People).
I prefer the ones were Death is a primary character. The best one being either Mort or Reaper Man, even though the latter gets a bit wierd with the trolleys its still hilarious:D

I think Men at Arms has the best story, except for the ending, where Angua was practically resurrected. I know about werewolves and silver arrows, but the way TP described her being shot, was meant to have us think this was the end to her.

Other great stories are The Fifth Elephant, Mort and Carpe Jugulum.

Kind of logical it wasn't silver bullets. And for that, TP is is faithful to common definition of monsters.
Because of belief. We all believe that werewolvs can only be killed by silver (IIRC), and TP made it certain we knew the bullets were lead, not silver. Therefore, we should have realised that Angua was not dead...:D

Although I like it how TP describes trolls as a silicaceous (sp?) species, and that the slight heating effect makes their brains overheat...:D

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