Does anyone watch the BBC comedy 'Only Fools and Horses'? When Del and Raquel had their son, Damien, everytime Rodney saw the baby, they would play the music from 'The Omen' and act like there was some kind of evil presence. I feel the same way every time they mention Baby William. All these cute shots of him in his buggy and cot only intensify the sinister feeling that all is not well with that child.....
After the spinning the mobile episode, and meeting the couple with the similar baby, Scully, Doggett and Reyes are all aware that the baby is not normal. But Scully is still asking questions about what the difference is. My guess is that it is just a 'Supersoldier' but a simple DNA test should have proved that because of this Iron-DNA anomaly.
After the spinning the mobile episode, and meeting the couple with the similar baby, Scully, Doggett and Reyes are all aware that the baby is not normal. But Scully is still asking questions about what the difference is. My guess is that it is just a 'Supersoldier' but a simple DNA test should have proved that because of this Iron-DNA anomaly.