Blakes Seven was good Science fiction.
It started out as a typical Terry Nation 'Totalitarian Superstate' type story of the kind he always wrote - whether Neo-Nazis in 'The Avengers', or Daleks in 'Dr Who', but I liked it better when it became a sort of space pirates thing, more akin to the 'Traveller' RPG game, and unlike anything else on TV up to then- 'Farscape' is an obvious decendent. I thought 'Blakes Seven' sort of lost it's way, later on though. Avon was a great anti-hero. The 'Liberator' was definately the best ship.
I loved 'Thunderbirds', 'Stingray' and 'Captain Scarlet'. I had all those toys as well. If only I had left them in the boxes and not played with them!
I also must add 'Father Ted' to my list.