Reviews by Mr.Pointy

Hiya... I've put a spoiler warning in your message slayerette, as it contains info that people who aren't up to the latest episodes in the US (like me) might not want to read...

the message is still there and if you click and highlight it with the mouse you'll be albe to see it!

Hope you don't mind, we don't like to have spoilers on show as it can spoil the fun for other people.. but don't worry as it's not a problem and no-one is upset :)

If you want to chat more about the latest episodes, check out the Season 6 forum, -->


my bad

hey, o.k.
i'm still thinking in eastern standard time
i hope that i did'nt cause any problems or international inncidents .
but i could'ent wait to discuss the last episode & all the implacations .o.k. o.k. i get it ......
please let me know when it's o.k. i think i'm going to start a new thread {intitled} why we can't stand dawn
will anyone visit it?

Re: my bad

[slayerette: i hope that i did'nt cause any problems or international inncidents.]

No, the only problem is, as Markpud mentioned, that Buffy episodes are on a different schedule in other countries. I think the UK is on 6.10, while the USA is on 6.17.

It just ruins the show, for some people, if they know what is going to happen already.

[slayerette: please let me know when it's o.k.]

Well, it's okay depending on which forum your are in. If you click here, you will be in the Buffy forum list.

The forums are divided into:
General stuff
Seasons 1-6

Buffy Season 6 is the only forum where you are free to discuss what is currently happening on Buffy. In fact, there is a thread already prepared for each episode that has aired so far. Here is the link to that forum.

All the other forums are limited to Seasons 1-5, since those episodes have been shown everywhere, worldwide.

[slayerette: i think i'm going to start a new thread {intitled} why we can't stand dawn]

The best place to start this would probably be the Season 6 forum. You can discuss it elsewhere, but, again, you would be limited to Season 5.

If you are in a forum other than Season 6 and wish to mention a detail from the current season, you can use a "spoiler" tag. This is done by typing {spoiler}, but use square brackets [] instead of curvy ones. Then type in the information. At the end of the spoiler text, put {/spoiler}, again in square brackets.

Here's an example, hold you mouse button down and run the cursor over the gray box to reveal what is written inside.

See! Isn't that easy?

That way, people can choose to read the spoiler information or ignore it.

It takes a while to get used to and sometimes even our experienced users make a mistake and let slip something they shouldn't. That's why the moderators are charged with clearing up any mistakes. is an extermely friendly forum and we understand that mistakes happen. We have a lot of patience. As long as you follow the rules of polite behavior and don't go out of your way to flame or attack people, you shouldn't have any problems.
just seeing if anyone was reviewing anything lately.
THE CHOCOLATE BUFFY & SCOOBY GANG CANDY BARS are quite good (the willow bar was my fav.) however, i just came across buffy RING POPS of all things .I just put them in my buffy lunch box 4 safe keeping .
see ya later "the cutest of the scoobys" HA!HA!HA!
the choccy bars are nice, I had some a while ago :)

I'm waiting for the S4 DVD set which comes out next month....
I have the 1st & 2nd box set ; but i'm more into collecting the comics. I am taping each episode of season 6 , i tryed to back track the repeats but because my life is not my own ie. kids, work,ect.... i did'nt get far .......


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