here's something to keep you occupied in anime

U mean Masamune? Sephiroths sword? That's the best eva sword, I want one!:lol: anyway...

ULTIMA weapon (that's Clouds best weapon in FF7)
*Really long silence....*AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINAL FANTASY!!!!!!

Lita: Get the tranquilizer!

Ami: Where is it?

Serena: I dunno!
*shoots DEL wiv the tranqualiser 4 times* phew that was close!!
Ughh, final...Fant....asy....Must...

*Lita thwaps him on the head.*

Lita: There we go. Thanx Trunks! :D
its ok! now will sum one else think of sumfin after The double F word!!
ok ok!! lets start agen!!

Power (almost all anime involves that)

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