Re: thinking hard
Gosh, everyone is saying such nice things about me

blush: *blush*) I should just keep my mouth shut, but I never was that smart.
[slayerette: I can't figure out where to put my thread because i want it to include all random buffy stuff. So i should go in the buffy general , right? But the problem w/ that, is i keep on discussing season 6 stuff and so i'm thinking of going to the season 6 time line????? DO you think i can still discuss other areas of the bufstir in 6 time line?]
Well, I can't tell you where your thread should go, but maybe I can help with some guidelines.
You can discuss every episode of Buffy that has ever been shown in Season Six without spoiler warnings. The only limit being if you are in the Episode 10 thread, for example, you shouldn't discuss any episodes after 10, to avoid spoilers for those that haven't had a chance to see later episodes in their country yet. But if you start your own thread then ALL the episodes are included.
Now some people will not go there to read it though. For instance, I am only a moderator because Markpud hates spoilers. Since he is in England and gets his Buffy a little later than the USA, he needed a US moderator (that's me!) to keep an eye on the stuff that he didn't want to read about in advance.
If you post in the General Forum and use spoiler warnings when you discuss Season Six, then Markpud and others can read your posts and skip the stuff in spoiler gray, so you can reach a wider audience.
Hope that helps.