5.02: Threshold

Originally posted by jsc
I kept watching "In the Line of Duty" and hoping for more delving into the whole Sam/Jolinar thing at least they did more with that in the two part "Jolinar's Memories" I and II.

The whole "Jolinar" thing is a bit weird.
ITLOD, Jolinar takes Sam as a host (sure, because she has no choice) and comes across through the way she talks to Jack, Teal'c, and Daniel, as quite arrogant! Constantly demanding.
(Fair enough, Jolinar sacrificed herself at the end)

Now, we have no real mention of what happened to Sam (and the existance of Joliar) until the "Tokra 1 - 2".
Now suddenly Jonilar is painted in this new "loving/friendly" light, to fit the idea of what the Tokra are about.

I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud, but you're right, I think ITLOD should perhaps have had a little more delving into who Jonilar was.
ya, I agree with you Nicola, the fact that Jolinar is portraied first as very demanding then late as being nice & sweet. Here's a question (haven't watched the ep in a while so I may just be forgetting) why didn't Jolinar just hide out in Sam until she could find a new host to jump into like she did with the male host she was in before Sam?
Originally posted by skoon
ya, I agree with you Nicola, the fact that Jolinar is portraied first as very demanding then late as being nice & sweet. Here's a question (haven't watched the ep in a while so I may just be forgetting) why didn't Jolinar just hide out in Sam until she could find a new host to jump into like she did with the male host she was in before Sam?

I know what you mean. The fact the Jolinar had been hiding in thay guy for soooooo long (from the bountyhunter... whatever) and then get all jumpy and impatient when she transferred into Sam.
I think it was because Jolinar knew she was being hunted, but I don't know what she was planning to do.

Also, Sam and Joliar were sharing the same "mind/body" so to speak - therefore she knew what Sam knew. - fair enough, she wouldn't have been able to activate the stargate without turning a few head - but she would have know the SGC has a special code and iris that prevents unknown travellers coming through..... then again, Jolinar knew the hunter was already on earth... I'll shut up now!;)
Why didn't J. just wait 'til the next mission. Sam would have walked throught the stargate without J. being noticed & then J. could jump hoast on which ever plannet she ended up on.
Oh, I'd say this episode was an excellent 'second episode'

Learning more about what makes Teal'c the person he is, that was definately worth watching :)

And not to mention he had his shirt off almost the entire episode :) For Teal'c lovers, this epi is sure to be a classic :D
spoilers, duh!

Oh that was sooooooooooo good!

i think this was quite possibly the BEST episode ever. or at tleast in the top five running. it had everything--smiling Teal'c, lots of janet, tons of teal'c, bra'tac, angst, teal'c in chainmail, great lines, did i mention teal'c in chainmail? man, he looked good in that!
and weren't hammy's eyes a little red-rimmed there at the end? sniff, sniff. and janet threatening to resign! my tape is going to die from all the the replays. :D and he called danny a woman!
except for one small detail............. HER AND MY TEALC KISSING YEEEEECCCCCHHHHH!!!!! :evil:
When Master Bra'tac said that someone should stay with Tealc, I almost "KILL" myself trying to go through the screen :erm:
I liked this episode. Poor Teal'c, we got to see how he became who he is. Bra'tac was great!

Also loved Janet and her threatening to resign. She hold her oath about doing no harm seriously here. Of couse in this case to save her patient's soul she has to let him almost die.

Loved the part with Daniel and Jack. Jack "So do you want to go first" Daniel "sure" and then his just sitting there and Jack ending up going first. Also where Teal'c responds to Daniel by calling him woman.

Definetly a good Teal'c episode.
Kissin' a fool

Hey, coffeecup, at least he looked like a decent kisser this time!! When he was sucking face with that Shau'nac chick last year I was getting turned off...

OK, anyone on the H/C list already read this, sorry. I'm too lazy to type it all over again:

I really enjoyed this episode. Going in, I thought perhaps they were oing to give us a horrible clip show and I'm SOOO glad they didn't. This and Serpent's Venom, which was only sort of a Teal'c ep, are the only two that I've enjoyed. I've always been frustrated that a character whose likely phenomenal back story has never really been utilized. This helped a lot. So did the bare chest. Whoo, boy.

The interaction between Bra'tac and Sam - loved! And I loved her sit with Teal'c. Though I agree she looked like hell. I think that might have been intentional. I liked her talking to Janet too - it showed the *faith* Hammond and SG1 had that this procedure was for Teal'c's good.

'Woman? Did he just call me a *woman*?' OMG, hysterical!! and Jack's no nonsense, acceptance of it with 'I think he did.' just cracked me up. That and the velour comment added a little lightness at exactly the right time. So did Daniel's rambling. Linguist he may be (that is canon, right?), but motivational speaker he is not! Even Jack was astounded at his nervous babbling. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it.

Hammond and Jack in the observation booth made me want to cheer. George looked so very upset and determined not to let Teal'c die rather than lock him up in some hole for the rest of his life...and I swear I saw tears at the end. Beautiful. My admiration for him increased big time.

Now why couldn't they always be so emotionally involved when a
teammate is suffering?

Loved Teal'c's look and Daniel's answering one when he'd recovered and announced Apophis to be a *dead* false god.

I give this one a positive rating. In case you couldn't tell!

those of you that recorded it...coffee hope you havent' worn the tape out already :D

when they're doing the clip show at the end, play it slowly. the scene when they're coming down the ramp from bane, it has to be a blooper cuase CJ sorta trips and then he & AT start laughing.

i also understand there's something reflected in the glass when hammy & jack are talking i just haven't rewound the tape to see it

and the 'i'm 100%...looks at sam & danny who have these looks on their faces...99% sure he's dead'

cracked me up. though if they bring back pops i;m gonna SCREAM!!!!! he's dead for cryin out loud!
I think it did break the #2 curse. Good episode, and a wonderful Teal'c show. Finally they've fleshed out his character and given us his backstory. Now his betrayal of Apophis in COTG makes so much more sense, after being ordered to kill his best friend, defying his god and coming to have doubts about Apophis' deity, then ending up killing his friend anyway.

I guess my only 'complaint' is that I wish they'd done this episode back in Season 2 - then we really would have had a few doubts about Teal'c "being a spy", and it would have made Teal'c a more multidimensional character 3 years ago.

I was so worried at the beginning when Bra'tac was saying how Teal'c was going to relive his life, and I was fearing this would turn into a clip episode. Thank god it wasn't!!!

Teal'c smirking at the beginning when he was faking out that idiot McKenzie - it was almost scary.

LOL, Jack's talking about Apophis being dead "I'm 100 % sure . . (looks over at Daniel)..uh, 99% sure he's dead." That was great.

And how about Daniel getting Velar<?>'s name wrong, and calling him "Velour". He really has been hanging around Jack way too much.
Oh yea forgot to add. When Jack and Hammond are talking in the observation room, it's Teal'c in bondage that you can see reflected. Made that scene very poignant.
Besides learning more about Teal'c's past, I enjoyed the aspect of showing what life is like for the soldiers of Apophis. I mean that most of the time in the show we see them running around and basically acting as moving targets for the SG team. To see a little more about how they see the world and why they are loyal to Apophis (the dead false god) was an interesting thing to see. It put a slightly more human aspect to them.

I thought the barracks set was interesting too in that it told a lot about how they were viewed by the Goa'uld as basically cannon fodder without the actual words having to be said. I mean look at it. The Jaffar were stacked up and crowded together with very little room between the cots and no place for personal belongings really. No obvious medical program with the wounded along side the well in their barracks. No medical staff except for their fellow barracks mates.

All in all this was not merely a good Teal'c episode but a good Jaffa episode too.

I noticed something else in the reflection, the candles at the bottom of the windows appears to be in the form of PD or possible FD... Mean anything to anyone?
it's PD for peter deluise the director. he's got a hitchcockian thing about cameos or jokes in his stuff. makes it a blast to watch(that and he has a habit of trying to get the clothes offa the boys....that HAS to be a good thing ;) )
well if you got a snake in your gut that'll cure most ills, who needs a doctor. as far as the goa'uld are concerned, only the strong survive, and if you're not strong enough...you die. they have tons more, just raid a world and if hathy's brood is any indicaton, they can have snakelets by the dozens

though there is still an evil, twisted part of me that wished t-man really was a spy...think of how HORRIBLE that would be in the end.
Teal'c.... half naked.....Teal'c in the snow, Teal'c in the barracks, Teal'c being Teal'c! WONDERFUL TEAL'C EPISODE and very very very much needed. Wegot to see how Master Bra'tac helped shape him... I loved the interaction between the men. 137 and Master Bra'tac in two years loses his incubator status and DIES!!! HEY< DID ANYONE NOTICE THAT...and that he and Hammond agreed what should happen to T-Man..... I haven't stopped crying yet! Now talk aboaut a favorite episode... Guess the Serpent's have to get over the THRESHOLD!
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