What kind of Fantasy?
Yeah, I know, I tend to categorize stuff...although I do read it all!
What kind of Fantasy do you like? You mentioned Unicorns and Dragons...but do you like:
1) "Realistic" fantasy, where people use real swear words, are followed into the latrine, and suffer from medieval-like diseases and ailments.
2) "Light" fantasy, filled with talking dragons and unusual situations that the straight man (usually a modern person) has to cope with.
3) "Humor" fantasy, dealing with puns and plays on words, and jokes abound. Not a lot of death and destruction, except to punctuate a joke.
4) "Satire" fantasy. Similar to Light or Humor, but the author is usually trying to make a point.
5) "Quest" fantasy. There's this quest, see? And the main character has to gather his/her people and go on it or the world will come to an end.
6) ....there's tons more...
Actually, I find the ones I enjoy the most are a combination. There's a goal, there's comradery, there's humor (but not to the point of campy), there's enough grit and gore and discomfort to make me sympathise with the characters, but no so much that I have to put the book down and take a shower. (I'm not much into flatulence or gratuitous torture or vulgarities, personally.)
But just to prove I'm not always right :smile: a couple of months ago I did read a trilogy that had all of that, including rape, torture and other vulgarities that are usually squick points for me--and I really enjoyed it. (I'll post my review in another thread--but it's the Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop)
Boy, am I wordy today!