I agree with you that of course he acted as counselor but he was also a very social person. Between you and I, I don't think that just because he was divorced that he gave up on having a personal life. I got the impression there was a sort of thing between him and yeoman rand...( but then yeoman rand was .. ummm...a little popular....)
As for him being on the bridge? Maybe he was doing his own version of grand rounds where he went about once a shift and did an informal survey of the ship crew's general mood. We just saw him on the bridge part of his little walkabouts.
I agree that there were MANY references to the original series in the movie remake.
It makes sense when you think the idea is that the universe after Nero's tampering is reverting to its intended form. I liked the movie generally. The only complaints I have are, 1 why did they kill off the orion girl by putting her onto the Farragut?
2. Where was gary mitchell in this universe?
3. Why didn't they show that the admiral's beagal beamed onto the enterprise at the last like in the book, instead of having the tv censors edit out the part about scotty's great mistake?
4. why wouldn't spock grab his mum? I've hung onto my mum when she was about to potter off the edge of the stairs backwards, and my mum is three times heavier then Amanda grayson any day, he could have easily held her in place with his vulcan eight times as strong as a regular man strength... don't try to tell me I'm stronger then spock or I'm faster in thinking then spock....
( but maybe this spock had too much blunt force trauma from all his kiddie fighting days...? )
and 5. didn't vulcan have their own orbital vehicles to escape in... there seems a dearth of space going vessels there for a supposed space going civilization.
oh, and back to McCoy, I think in the movie he liked the pretty girls too.