replies from the stars of our fave show!!!!

Originally posted by pamie
Hey just thought I would let you guys know....I wrote off about three months or so ago and today I got this great picture of the whole cast and it was signed by all of them on the back....its great:D

Thats great Pammie! I'm VERY jealous:evil: :D

I haven't heard anything yet.
I think the postwoman at the office weighed the package for U.S.A and not Canada.

Do you think my package is sitting all alone, lost, in a big postoffice out there?:(
Originally posted by nic

I haven't heard anything yet.
I think the postwoman at the office weighed the package for U.S.A and not Canada.

Do you think my package is sitting all alone, lost, in a big postoffice out there?:(

It should get there as I did the very same letter was weighed to go to America and not Canada...but it must of got I did gt a reply:D

You might get one soon :cool:
the post, especially international, is moving really, really slowly right now. i had a friend of mine send me a t-shirt the week before gatecon, and it arrived last week...that's a month from england to the states.

and now that we apparantly have schmucks contaminating things with biological agents, it might move even slower.

just be patient. there is also the possibility that your letter is there, waiting for the actor to come back to get it.

i sent a pic to both AT andCJ asking for autographs or if they didn't want to sign them to just send me the picture back, i even put in SASE...we'll see how long it takes
Thanks for the info Sky, I guess I'll have to wait and see. I sent it... July I think.
this is so cool. i get the mail today and in it is a envelope from mgm containig a sticker of teal'c's tattoo, gold no less and an autographed (printed not hand signed i think) postcard with rda, at, ms, dsd and cj's autos on it!!!!!

i don't know if it's a reply from my 'save the show' letter or fromteh aniversary card i sent AT!!!

so cool. anyone else get one???
Originally posted by skydiver
an autographed (printed not hand signed i think) postcard with rda, at, ms, dsd and cj's autos on it!!!!!

Great...that sounds like the one that I got...its cool :D
if they are indeed save our show responses it's even cooler cause they didn't have to send a thing. it was incredibly nice of them to mail them out to all of us
Originally posted by skydiver
if they are indeed save our show responses it's even cooler cause they didn't have to send a thing. it was incredibly nice of them to mail them out to all of us

Yeah it was nice of them...bless 'em! :D
hi everyone, havnt posted in a while!!
I was wondering has anyone here joined the sg1 explorer unti (official fanclub)??? i joined a little while ago and nothing has been sent back to me! Ive been waiting a few months....shud it take this long for delivery???

thanx, c ya....sarahksg1:rolly2:
Sarah - i joined the fanclub about a month and a half ago. I got an email from them a week ago saying theyu have had some problems and are sending a lot of them out at the end of this moneth. You should get an email from them when they send it out. If you still dont get one email them and they will tell you whats happening.

As for the autographs, the people that got them.....did you send a pic to be signed or did they provide one?

I collect the cards and have all 9 auto cards which are cool, and DJ's costume card. And the binder and subsets :)
the only autos i've gotten has been in person. i did send away three pics (one to AT, two to CJ) but i honestly don't know if i'll get them back or if i just lost $18.

i personally would be very cautious about what you send the stars, especially right now. last word i heard is that many/several of them (any stars, not just SG ones) are very leery about mail due to anthrax and the best way to get a hold of them is a post card
Originally posted by skydiver
last word i heard is that many/several of them (any stars, not just SG ones) are very leery about mail due to anthrax and the best way to get a hold of them is a post card

Postcard, thats a good idea!:cool:
if you look furthur up the conversation you'll see an address for amanda. i wrote to this one, i didn't send a stamped envelope or photo or anything and got a reply of this photo signed :i wasnt expacting a reply or i would have enclosed a stamped envelope. im not sure if she herself signed the phot, but to me that really wasnt the

Anynow, i havnt heard from them about the club, so i'll give them a while more i htink. I'll just have to be


  • thumb_cast_amanda_tapping_2000-2001_bw2new.jpg
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signed posters


My grandad loves SG-1 too and he got me two signed SG-1 posters. I dunno where he got them from, but if you collect the videos, the side covers make a long picture, like Mr Men books. The posters r of series 1 and series 2 and there r autos of RDA, AT, DSD, TR, CJ and MS in silver pen no less! They r obviously printed but they look very cool on my bedroom wall!


Your grandfather sounds like a wonderful grandparent and a very thoughtful person! Enjoy the posters and the man who gave them to you!:cool:
hey chilly

u didn't know about the club???

ok so heres the goss...........

ok go to the mgm official stargate site :

in here go to fan club. Itll say: "for exciting news about the Stargate SG-1 fan club click here. lol, so click there.

the rest is self explanitory

heres evrything that come with the membership tho.....

SG-1 Explorer Unit
Team Member - $19.95
(California Add $1.50 Sales Tax)

Includes the following items newly
created especially for this unit:

Official Membership Card
Official Membership Certificate
Official Letters of Welcome from General Hammond and Colonel O'Neill
5 Cast Photos (Color)
Confidential SG-1 Personnel Dossier
One-Year Subscription to the Quarterly Team Briefing (sent via e-mail - Club Newsletter features insider articles, episode guide, letters, convention calendar, puzzles, much more!)
Official SG-1 Team Member Auto Identification Sticker
Receive 10% Discount on Select Light Speed Fine Art Products
Receive Exclusive Stargate SG-1 Merchandise Offer SG-1 Explorer Unit
Officer - $34.95
(California Add $2.62 Sales Tax)

Includes All Items In the Team Member Kit
Listed on the Left
PLUS the Following Exclusive Extras:

2 Additional Cast Photos (a Total of 7)
Special SG-1 Collector's Pin
SG1 Video
Special Original Collector Poster
Special SG-1 ID Badge
Packaged in Special Collector's Box

yea so that wat the club is,

NOTE: the prices are american (im not sure if ur american)

i payed $121.44c new zealand for my explorer kit

