If you could have one Dragonballz power....

I'd go back to the past to be 5 years old again, but knowing what I know now...so I can at least have a chance of going through life without screwing up. :dead: lol

I want to be able to perform a Kamehameha. I know plenty of uses for it. And plenty of ppl to use it on. Instant transmission would be cool, too, but ppl would freak out when I just appeared out of nowhere.
the move i would like the best is to regeneration just incase i get one of my limbs blown off

that would not be good:crying: :crying:
But once you're hurt you could prevent that...ah, I don't want to get into the whole paradox thing...it was a good idea at the time! lol :D

time travel would be nice but the regeneration is even better than that with time travel the person needs to get hurt then heal and then go back with regeneration you just grow a new one.

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