Andromeda Quiz

I didn't know the name of Gabriel's ship ;) I thought it was Balance something :rain:
This quiz sure is going awfully slow. Still don't know the answer to Curupira's question. Will probably have to wait until they repeat the episode before I can answer that one.

Can anyone else come up with some answers?
WHAT WAS..........

What was the name of the Neichian that started the Neichaian race, that Tyr retrieved because it was stolen from his pride? :coolorang
Re: WHAT WAS..........

Originally posted by BONNIESTACKPOLE
What was the name of the Neichian that started the Neichaian race, that Tyr retrieved because it was stolen from his pride? :coolorang

Drago Museveni

We still have two open questions all ready.
What does the warning label on Sparky-Cola say?
and What is Rev Bem,s full name?
well i just watched "Fear and loathing in the Milky Way" (sky 1 is *really* slow!) And so the label on sparky cola says something like (sorry can't remember exact phrasing) "Do not operate heavy machinery or slip stream under the influence of sparky cola" close??
Yes, very close.

Actual label says:
Warning: Do not operate heavy machinery or navigate the slipstream while under the influence of this beverage.
YAY!! now we're just left trying to puzzle out Rev's full name.
Originally posted by Maria8475
YAY!! now we're just left trying to puzzle out Rev's full name.

I got it I got it ...:)

Rev's name in magog translated is Red Plague
and in actual magog language its a series of shrill!!!

Next Question:

What was the name of the head Nietzchean male that Tyr gives a high guard force lance to as a gift?....(clue) double helix ep

Okay, here is another question (or three).

What is the name of the Nietzchian bride in the Honey Offering, and what pride is she from and what pride is she marrying into?
The bride is Elssbett Mossadim (sp??) of the Sabra pride. Her future husband is Jaguar pride.

Question: What was the name of the husband? (for the sake of closure :D)
Charlemange Bolivar

In the episode Angel Dark, Demon Bright what is the name of the other Commonwealth ship, and what is the name of it's captain?
Rev Bem's Full Name Is:

Reverend Behemial Fartraveler or in Magog Redplague.


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