Asgard Vs Sailor Moon

*An image of Serena mother appears to Dark through the lightning bolt that struck him...*

SM: You have been evil for too long Del. You must now pay the price!

*The scene cuts to Darks face covered in Blood*
SM:..............You must pay for the damage you have cause to the peace loving world......You have made the hearts of people fall to you like toys. Well, NO MORE! Feel the punsihment of love!!!!!!!

*The scene looks to dark looking @ Serena mother, and then a massive red beam hittinh him...*
ME: You may be the mother of Serena, but your dead! You cannot harm me...

SM: I may b dead, but the love and strength keeps me alive. You are the dead one Del....

ME: No. Never. I will not accept that!

SM: You must. Your dead.

ME: No

SM: Yes. You were dead when you saw your brother killed by the negaverse.

ME: .....................................

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