The Munchkin Song


He's a smeeee, smeeeee, smeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:laugh2:
that soup!:lol: poor Rimmer he'll never be able to forget about Gezpacho soup will he? he's such a (to quote dmalfoy) a SMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEE!:laugh2::rolly2:lol::laugh2:
hes just a smee smeeee smmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee smmmmmmmmee smeg head
The Munchkin Song is so great & has a catchy tune to it, however my sister knows all of the words to it off by heart & seems to start singing it at any monent!

er, isn't the munchkin song so memorable and great because of all the midget rimmers walking about nd singing?

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