Juilan McMahon/Cole Turner

thread resurrection time ---

2 months and Bee hasn't posted a pic? i'm shocked!

okay - i've only seen like 2 1/2 eps of the show - but i like Cole - he's a fun character --- and Julian's not too bad either -- he was great on Profiler -- (which i only recently started watching, tho Bailey's my character of focus there) --

so -- catch me up on everything ------- Cole-related anyway ----

<waves to Kat and Bee! :) >
everything Cole related - ooooooh i'd love to. but Bee really is the 'expert' ;)

Also there are some GREAT Julian/Cole sites in a thread around here somewhere - i think it'scalled something ridiculously obvious like "fave Charmed websites" :D Have fun.
well - you can get started and Bee can take over where you leave off ----

come on - i need to know something other than he's 1/2 Demon --- and good looking --- -;)
well the good looking thing is the place to start :D did you say you saw the ep w/o his shirt - what else do you need?? ;)

Okay Cole Turner, Assistant DA appeared in the first ep of series 3. He was pretty much wonderful and Phoebe was immediately attracted, or as she said maybe it was just nice to meet someone who isn't a college boy "More years, less hormones" :D

Anyway we (not the Halliwell's) find out almost straight away that he is not just a regular DA (pity about that, i think they should have done what they did with Leo and kept us hanging for a while) and it's almost sure that he's not one of the good guys.

Anyway he keeps hanging around Pheobe in later eps, finding ways to 'accidently' bump into her. He also has a list of her fave things so to her he seems pretty much perfect. :D

Anyway enough trivia for now, more later.
well - okay - that's a good start ---

need background -- all the really good characters have a back story ----

and i can't catch up on old eps b/c no one's running them -- <pout>
back story? hmm not sure what you mean.

But his mother was human,(don't even ask me how that works) he doesn't have any siblings. His demon half is known as Baltazzar, supposed to be incredibly dangerous.

He used to be a part of an evil brotherhood, that worked for The Source. (The ultimate evil).

ummm one of these i'll have to do you a proper bio, but still running very short on time :(
back story -- all the stuff that he did before he came to the show - ie: kinda like the flashbacks in Highlander -- Methos is now a 'myth' and Adam Pierson is his 'alter-ego' who is a grad student and a Watcher (this has changed, but you get the idea), and we learn that prior to the time when Duncan meets Methos, he was a member of a band of immortals known as the Four Horsemen - he was a really bad dude - raping and pillaging across many miles of land - but now he's a good guy and doesn't do the rape and pillage thing anymore -- backstory ---

so - the stuff about Cole's family - his mother and such- is part of his 'backstory' --

do we know anything about his father? or is his father the demon, thus giving Cole his 'demon' half??
right, thanks.

I can't remember if we were given any specific information on his father - but were just led to believe that he was the demon - it has to come from somewhere! Although in another ep we find out that humans can be turned into demons by a 'higher' demon, if they commit enough evil acts, so i'm not exactly sure.

i'll have to see if i can find out.
okay - cool -

now - if one of the stations will just pick up and run the older seasons -- i'll be able to catch up ---

either that, or i'll just have to do some digging on the net, and hang out here -----
Originally posted by Maria8475
back story? hmm not sure what you mean.

But his mother was human,(don't even ask me how that works) he doesn't have any siblings. His demon half is known as Baltazzar, supposed to be incredibly dangerous.

He used to be a part of an evil brotherhood, that worked for The Source. (The ultimate evil).

ummm one of these i'll have to do you a proper bio, but still running very short on time :(

Sorry Maria, but his father was human. His mother was a sucubus(spelling?), the women that suck the life right out of a man. His mother killed his father when he was a small child. Balthazzar/Cole is over a hundred years old.

He became one of The Source's best to overcome his human half. You know all the other demons teased him about being half human.

Cole/Balthazzar supressed his human half and only reconnected with it when he met Pheobe. He was sent to destroy the charmed ones and tries at first by learning more about them. He thinks Pheobe is the easiest mark and sets out to seduce her. Little did he know he would fall for her. While telling all the other demons he was out to kill them he did protect them from some of the other demons. It was a case of love conquers all I guess.

Oh, I forgot, he can throw energy balls and has the power to shimmer. Shimmer is to move from one place to the other, not to be confused with orbing. Orbing is what white lighters do to move from place to place.

thanx!!! cool!

armed w/ the bkgrnd - maybe i can get kinda caught up and keep w/ the show ------
Cole has not been turned all goody-goody, he's just a little more tame because of Pheobe. But, if someone attacks her he's back to the bad old demon who will fry them up.

Here's something for you H2.

Cole is named after his father Jonathan Coalier Turner.

And Julian played a John on Profiler.

Do you think he's type cast as John's?

Also, I post more pic's of Julian/Coal/John when I look over the ones I already have. I found a few of just his 'bare' assets:naughty: :naughty:
That I just can't post here.;)

hmmm- he might be -- hafta check his listings at IMDB --

and - about those pics --

you can put them up at the CC annex! i'm sure Lisa wouldn't mind ---- :naughty:
Originally posted by Highlander II
hmmm- he might be -- hafta check his listings at IMDB --

and - about those pics --

you can put them up at the CC annex! i'm sure Lisa wouldn't mind ---- :naughty:

HeHeHe! I just might do that. They are great pics, even if they're not Colin. And they are drool worthy:naughty: :naughty:

I've been looking for the movie they came from. I want that movie in my stocking.


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