Fave Charmed quotes

Originally posted by Maria8475
Magic Hour
Prue: yeah well rules were meant to be broken.
Phoebe: yeah but bodies weren't.
Piper: Neither were hearts.


hey i really like that quote. am a new charmed fan. prue is my fav.

pity she's gone now. miss andy too. they were good. phoebe is cool too but not as good as prue.
From a Witches Tail part one.

Paige:Does Algee pose a Personal hygine problem?

Witches Tail?? I don't recognise that title - what series is it from??
Witches tail is the two hour season 5 premere. It aired this week in the USA.
i cant quite remember the episode this is from.... but its funny :D

Piper: Baby book. My baby book. Oh, look how squishy I was
lol got another one....

piper: Okay.. so you summoned me to a cage where my powers don't work so we could all die together??!!
Lol that's a good one.

Paige: Hi, remember me, the girl with the melons? From the supermarket melons.
LOL!! I remember that one

Krell: I'm Krell, a Xotar.
Prue: I'm Prue, a Scorpio.
Paige: you used to be a demon AND a lawyer?
Cole: yeah
Paige: insert joke here

sorry for double post but that one made me laugh!!


need to go find out more...more re-runs yay!!
Originally posted by Jolinar
Paige: you used to be a demon AND a lawyer?
Cole: yeah
Paige: insert joke here

Yeah that one is funny. I think one of the good things about Paige is she added more humour to the mix.

Wizard: Do you know any other wizards?
Paige: Does Harry Potter count? :D

Or (and this is one of my faves)

Paige: Well call me butter because I'm on a roll
Prue: And the house is a mess, again. How come we can't fight the demon of clensliness, or the demon of house cleaning. Or even that big bald guy, Mr. Clean, I would so totally take him on.
lol yeah it does sound like prue...

i heard another funny quote today but i cant quite remember it!!! aarrgghh!! i'll be back when i do :D lol
how about some Wyatt ones?

Phoebe: I could just eat him up. I swear I could…with a little ranch dressing.
Piper: Okay, but let’s not, okay?
Phoebe: I can’t make that promise.
Leo: Okay, don’t listen to your aunties, okay? They’re a little kooky. Us guys have to stick together, don’t we, Peter?
Piper: Peter?
Leo: Peter. I’m just floating it.

Phoebe: (to the baby) Oh, I could eat you. Yes, I could. Yes, I could.
Piper: Pheebs, after the demonic parasites that did actually kinda want to eat him…not so cute.
Phoebe: Gotcha. (to the baby) Oh, I could smush you. I could just smush your little face.
Piper: Much better.

:D :D :D
Phoebe: "I'm making soup for Cole. He'll eat it in a bowl. I guess thats my new role, just making soup for Cole."

I have the tune for that quote in my head now!!
oooh yeah i loved that episode :D

Phoebe: Oh good morning sunshine! Let me pour you a cup of coffee. Notice anything different about me?
Piper: Engagement ring. Notice it, or wear coffee.

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