Favourite Disney films

Naturally my favourite are the new Star Wars films (in particular TROS) but if it were pre-2012 (as in when this thread was first posted ) it’s The Black Hole.

Never been a huge fan of animation from Disney (or Pixar) but I’ve seen most of the classics.
When someone says, "Disney movies", my brain goes to the animated classics. I think The Lion King might be the best film Disney ever made, and Aladdin is a close second. My other favorites are:

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
The Aristocats
Robin Hood (1973)
The Fox and the Hound
The Rescuers Down Under
I can't think of a single Disney animation I would ever want to watch again. Some I regret having seen in the first place. Particularly the Sword in the Stone which spectacularly pisses all over a childhood favourite book.
There are odd sequences and moments - the Pink Elephants on Parade number from Dumbo for instance. But the rest of it? nah. Too bland, too safe, and those interminal bloody songs...

Some of the live action is rewatch able:
Tron. Return to Oz, Dragonslayer, The Watcher in the Woods, 20,000 Leagues, but even then I can't see them without thinking they would have been even better if made by a different parent company.
I’ve seen most of the classics.
I've watched the Disney+ channel at my daughter's house for the Star Wars, but we looked to see if we could find something for the granddaughter, and couldn't find any of those old "classics" that people have been mentioning here. I feel like Rip Van Winkle, just woken up again. It's all new animations that I've never heard of, mostly about 'Fairies with Attitude'. We do still have all those "classics" at home though; all on VHS, courtesy of my parents.

I think there could be a bit of 'rose-coloured spectacles' about them though. Not all of them were that good, some later ones, as pointed out by @JunkMonkey weren't very good at all, and even the highly lauded early ones... well, the beginning of Bambi when the poacher shoots the mother deer, that had my mother in tears as a young child at the cinema, so today it would probably come with a 15 rating!
Most of the old classic Disney films/cartoons and such are on... YouTube.
Not the same by any means, but most are there. LWDK, THX!
Many of the old classics are 'Locked in the Disney Vault'. Well, I have my opinions growing up and going to both parks most of my life.
As well as watching 'The Wonderful World of Disney' on weekly TV.
So be it. Not too thrilled with direction Disney is going over all nowadays.
Naturally my favourite are the new Star Wars films (in particular TROS) but if it were pre-2012 (as in when this thread was first posted ) it’s The Black Hole.

Never been a huge fan of animation from Disney (or Pixar) but I’ve seen most of the classics.

If we're allowed to count Star Wars, then it's Rogue One for me!

Of the newer animation that has come out since I last posted in this thread (I feel as old as Yoda some days on here...) I'd put forward Tangled as an underappreciated classic - waaaay better than Frozen, in my opinion.

In the Pixar side, I think Coco is the best thing they've made since their early days. The Incredibles 2 was a pretty good sequel, though.
mine are (most of) the Pixar catalouge, Nightmare Before Christmas, Tarzan, Dinosaur (2000), Atlantis the Lost empire, those
crappy Inspector Gadget movies, Wreck it Ralph 1, the studio Ghibli films, and The Little Mermaid. oh! and the Lion King!
I've seen far more older productions than newer ones. A lot of animations come to mind, Alice in Wonderland for sure. For traditional movies I can always rewatch The Lone Ranger, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, The North Avenue Irregulars, Something Wicked This Way Comes, National Treasures.

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