Truth or mental illness

Heres what I think they are (Sorry, but I've only got the numbers):
I copied the glyphs into a bitmap file and compared it with the screen capture. I'm fairly certain that this is the correct address. What do you think?
You're numbers correspond to:

Eridanus, Aquila, Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Corona Australis, Earth

And of course I agree with you, it closely matches original guess - and you were using my capture :blush:
Originally posted by Tesha
No chance sorry. Space is 3D, that map is 2D. It couldn't possibly be remotely realistic :iiworry:

well in truth Space is 4D, with time as the fourth dimension. So as you said no real map could simulate any such a system, or at least not until we can simulate particles moving at the speed of light, which could create Time Dilation, and 4 dimensions could then occur.

Could someone tell me what the correspondance is between the numbers and the constellations? I have no idea whatsoeva about ANY of it and since watching stargate and writing in this forum I have become really interested in the hole co-ordinates and heiroglyphs etc. And speaking of "Maps" does anyone have any kind of basic directory for these constellations in the sky?

And yeah......I would love to see the addresses MICSG7, if thats cool.

I have tried to work some of them out, but a lack of videos/DVDS and also a lack of KNOWLEDGE of what I am working out kinda hinders the process!
Yep, 4 dimensions... But I didn't understand that til recently (I'm 17, cut me some slack :D) and for the point of making a map, we don't REALLY need the 4th one to comprehend how it works :rolly2: It's pretty much impossible to imagine, anyways...
Originally posted by shazstar
Could someone tell me what the correspondance is between the numbers and the constellations
Well, there seem to be three relevant parts to a suitable answer:

a) glyphs - as found on the various stargates, DHDs, and the SGC dialling computer. Represent "points"(1) in space with which to construct a stargate address: the first six for destination, the final one, the point of origin. Theoretically this means the final glyph should be for a planet(2), though in practice we have seen "constellation" glyphs used as point-of-origin too. :eek:

b) numbers (as quoted above) - these are simply the numerical position of the quoted glyph on the Earth stargate, starting with the Earth glyph and counting clockwise(3)

c) the planet addresses typically quoted by Carter, but also by the other SGC personnel. These are quoted as being for unique identification, and despite at least one other thread here in Technical, there is apparently little correlation between them and anything else apart from basic structure, and imagination. :rolleyes:

The overlying bit on top of that: constellations. Sites such as the excellent AusGate have long supplied the names of the constellations which match each glyph. Some, such as Orion, are VERY easy to agree with. Some are little more inspired...;) I don't know if these names are "official", but certainly are widely used(4), and assumed to be constant. Occassionally a brand new glyhp is seen on the show - these are typically planet glyphs for point-of-origin.

It is true to say that MOST of the glyphs are representative of constellations, as they appear in the sky on Earth, today. Which totally ignores stellar drift over even a few thousand years, and also the rest of the galaxy - so who designed the gate system to use these symbols? [This is bashed around in various of the other threads here.:rain:]

1) As (erm, I!) raised in another thread, although each glyph represents a "point" in space, e.g. Earth, planetary rotation and orbit mean that even for Earth, this point can vary in space by perhaps 180 million miles, and this ignores stellar expansion or motion.
2) We HAVE seen unique planet symbols for earth, Abydos and the game-keepers planet
3) Since the gate dial spins counter-clockwise, the glyphs go past any fixed chevron in a clockwise direction - honestly!:dead:
4) At least on this BBS (mostly in Technical)
I would be happy to give gate addresses if you want them. What is your email address? You can send it to me as well as anyone else in my private message area. I think the glyphs cover different fields but some can be substitutes too. It may be a spherical field but where they overlap in the center is where the wormhole connects. With K'tau the regular address according to the revised Abydos cartouche was locked out so the Gate must be like a super computer. They programed it no to except that combination but others may work. The wormhole may have corrected itself and made the 'bumpy ride' and when it tried to connect to a gate in the original area it picked up Plutonium. The wormhole then moved to the nearest gate which was rather close or the gate system would do that all the time.

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