Phantom Menace

I think that i am the only who thinks that the Phantom Menace was the strongest of the prequel movies. Sure the other two looked better, but the love story in episode II? No. The mindless action of Episode III? No. (although there were parts of both that i enjoyed very much.) Sure there were silly bits like the ones that you mention, Brian. But there were some good bits too.

I still find myself watching and enjoying the PT movies when they come on the telly, but they were never my Star Wars and they were never meant to be.
I found this post, coincidentally put up recently, on the Star Wars website. It recites some of the original reviews from the film:
One could say the critics were holding back because of Lucas' fame up until that point but I don't think critics have that kind of compassion. I like what they have to say here and even the ones who found some faults (i agree there are a few) found the movie mostly entertaining. I think prequel bashing grew over time and I guess I really don't understand why.
I like the movie well enough when I was watching it, but it was one of those movies where once it is over and you have time to think about it you start seeing the plot holes. Also, I was annoyed to discover that most of the plot was a waste of time, since the attack on the planet was just a diversion. Of course in retrospect, Lucas pretty much told us that with the name of the movie, but I thought that was just thumbing his nose at the audience, which annoyed me even more.
Re-watched the original trilogy last week and really enjoyed them again - even the kids commented on how well done it was, especially in terms of character development and interplay.

Started watching Phantom Menace again. Jar Jar Binks is like some random drunk who keeps stumbling onto the set, chatting away to himself, and generally serving no purpose whatsoever. It is so distracting from what story there actually is!
I know the TPM is 25 years old, but even in 1999 Jar Jar Binks felt like a character from the 1930s or 40s
I've always been able to ignore Jar Jar, but i do wonder whether a cut exists where he isn't in it.

Hard to believe that TPM is 25 years old. Wasn't this adapted to 3d too? I wouldn't mind seeing that.

For all of their faults, i rather enjoy the PT and prefer them to the ST.
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Exsqueeze me.

I wonder if Jamaican JarJar and those asiatic aliens at the start were just a way to be diverse with the cast and it backfired. Maybe Lucas felt he needed aliens that were more varied and he didn't think it through. Even though he had two decades to plan.

What a terrible movie experience that was.
Even Yoda looked weird. At the time Rick Baker said he would have done the Yoda puppet for free just to make it look more accurate.

Archive photograph of the Globe of Peace Handover, Theed, Naboo.

Pictured at the bottom left is Anakin Skywalker, Hero of the war against the Trade Federation. He single-handedly flew past enemy defenses and destroyed the Trade Federation robot army control ship.

While Skywalker did not keep a journal that describes his psychological state at this moment, many historians believe that as he looks around him, he his realizing that the value of the clothing worn by the people in this ceremony would be adequate to purchase his mother out of slavery. Yet, with the full resources of an entire planet, neither of the civilizations celebrating their peace treaty will rescue his mother.

Many historians believe that it is this moment that Skywalker realizes that those who claim the “Light Side” of the force very often look only to their own interests forgetting even the friends who have helped them. This may be the very moment that Anakin Skywalker chose the Dark Side.

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