Best of the three?

I really can't say which LOTR was my favorite, because they were all so good for different reasons.

I agree that the FoTR had amazing character development, and those "memorable moments" someone mentioned earlier. I am also glad Tom Bombadil wasn't in them. Pete Jackson doesn't completely shun him, however. Treebeard says some of Bombadil's lines in TTT.

TTT was amazing. Every time I watch the part when the Ents go to war, the combination of the music and everything gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes. Seeing Aragorn fight and watching his reaction to Haldir's death is just such a joy. Every time "Isengard Unleashed" comes on when I listen to the soundtracks, I want to cry. Such a sad part. Also, earlier someone mentioned they hated Sam's speech about "there's some good in this world...", and I want to take a moment to completely disagree. I thought it was a beautiful speech, and that whole part makes me want to cry.

RoTK was also amazing. When Aragorn sees Arwen for the first time since leaving her in Rivendell; when Frodo kisses Sam on the forehead when saying goodbye, how can you help but tear up?

I've thought about this question many times, and have found that in my case there is no answer. I look at it as one big movie masterpiece. Well done, Peter Jackson, well done.
My favorite is the first one also. In fact to me, 3 was disappointing because it seemed to have the same plot as 2. (I haven't read the books, shame on me.)
I think all of the film were good, so I can't say. But I think the third film was a bit better than the others. :)
a sigh off good linking films is if over time you cant quite remember witch film a poticular seane comes from
I liked the 1st one the best. 3rd one was good too, was a bit disappointed by the 2nd one (would have preferred to see Shelob in it, would have made a nice ending).
FOTRs my least favourite...I love the big actiony bits I'm afraid! Although under the mountain with the Balrog is good, I love the tension when they first hear the drums beating.
Two Towers is my second favourite (yes, I really do love them in order!) I love the moment when the wargs attack...swelling music, and then as the two sides clash, the music ceases and it's just the raw sound of battle. Fantastic. And I love Legolas lines in this one...he's so dramatic: "A red sun rises...blood has been spilt this night." And my personal favourite as far as dramatic lines go (although Bernard Hill sure has come crackers) "This forest is old................very old...........full of memory.......................................and anger." Hehe. And I agree, the marching of the Ents...the music as they stride towards Isengard, always brings me out in goosebumps...I love the Ents.
And then...Return of the King. OH! OH! I love this film...I love the Nazgul in this, and the Witchking is brilliant. And a particularly goosebumpy moment in this is when Gandalf rides out to help the men of Gondor as they are chased by the Nazgul...again the combination of music and event makes it a fantastic moment. And of course, the battle of Pelennor Plains. My god, I love that bit. And up until recently I didn't particularly like Eowyn, but I watched it again the other night and she has an awesome part...her defeat of the Witch King is one of those memorable moments..."I am no man!"
So yes, to put this in a simple sentence (lol), Return of the King is my favourite!
FOTR first, then ROTK, then TTT, though I appreciated TTT more after the EE.

FOTR has the best focus on the three main things I love about the films: Gandalf, the Nazgul, and the Ring. TTT loses alot of that, and ROTK brings it back a fair bit, but not to quite the same textent. FOTR is the easiest to tell, in terms of narrative, given there aren't many groups to cut to, so no cutting problems (like TTT had, though, again, less so in the EE). Moria was also incredible, and I prefer Gandalf the Grey to White, so generally FOTR always gets my vote.

They're all great though, so this is just nitpicking ;)

My Favourite was FOTR. But the best scene was the arrival of the Rohirrim at Minas Tirith. The sound of the horns and then the looks on the faces as they see the size of the Orc army, Theoden's speech and then they attack regardless. Astonishing, stirring and moving.
The Fellowship was my favorite as well; so many great moments. I've heard others describe the scene with Boromir and Aragorn in Rivendell (the dropping of the shard) as boring and unecessary but it's one of my favorite scenes.
Fellowship was my favourite, although the arrival of the Rohan Young Team at Helm's Deep massively redeemed Towers from that shield surfing moment.

Return was good but the ending was unsatisfying.
FOTR ~ was the best, as it nicely introduced us to the overall story & principle characters, coupled with the build-up of the Fellowship & subsequent journey of the The Nine from Rivendell and into the Mines of Moria & the drama that befalls them all.

The CGI was dialled down in keeping with the context and pace of the film, which suited me just fine.

TT ~ could have been great, especially building on the foundations of FOTR, but the battle scenes just bored me senseless; Treebeard and the Ents were totally unbelievable (and why use the same actor that played Gimli to voice Treebeard:confused:); and the narrative went right of the window for the sake of adding some pointless "funnies" - such as Legolas skating ffs:mad:

ROTK ~ didn't like at all: too many battle scenes again; Frodo whinging and moaning every few minutes; more battle scenes, Sam repeatedly saying "Come on, Mr Frodo. Mr Frodo!".

And the ending that didn't know how to end. I know it was just following the book but the ending in the book seemed "appropriate" somehow; while the ending in the film just dragged it down to a tedious pace and probably should have ended at the moment Aragorn tells the Hobbits "My Friends, you bow to no one!"
Thoroughly agree about the ending for RotK - in the book you have The Scouring of the Shire as a local coda to the adventure, but the film just sort of trails away.....:(
Still can't believe that Jackson didnt film the 'proper' ending for the extended version
Without the Scourging of the Shire , LOTR loses much of it's impact imho - It just goes to prove how brilliant an author - correction , story-teller Tolkein was - how many other authors would think , or dare , to use the seemingly climatic finale at Mount Doom only as a precursor to the hobbits' poignant return to the Shire?
FOTR was the film I enjoyed the most, The scenes in Moria, Borromir's death scene, Whether top all stood out for me. Perhaps because it was the first film.

The ending of ROTK was a bit of a let down. Couldn't stop laughing when Aragorn burst into song at his coronation.
The ending of ROTK was a bit of a let down. Couldn't stop laughing when Aragorn burst into song at his coronation.
The way he tried to swallow Arwen's face was a little, ahem, not in keeping with the tone. I kept thinking he was gonna try and rip her dress off there and then.

I have to say I though TTT was fantastic, probably the best afaic, although the spectacle of the battles in ROTK was phenomenal. In the cinema, when the camera pans over the wall to give you your first glimpse of the might of the army against them, there was a simultaneous 'holy ****' from just about everyone.

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