The Cell Games...


Lurking in the Shadows
Sep 5, 2001

Will somebody tell me what cartoon network is playing at? Why are they repeating episodes? It's soooo annoying, cos I'm taoing them for dmalfoy, and she had to watch Memories of Gohan and The puzzle of General twice.

Also, I have one BIG favour to ask: if anyone watches dbz on cartoon network, as i know some of u do, plz could u post what's happening in the Cell Games, cos I'm going to uni on Saturday and cos I'm gonna live in Halls, I wont be able to see DBZ anymore!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: So could someone keep me updated??

pretty please with a cherry on top??????

ok, i should stop now......
Actually, Cartoon Network is well beyond the point of the Cell Games right now. It's currently on Gohan's stint as the Great Saya-man, just after the Heavens Budokia(tourniment). But then, CN's schedual for Toonami has been really funky lately. Mobile Suit Gundam was cancled before it finished even one run of the series( BOO CN! BOO! ). Currently, the schedual is this:

5:00 = Dragonball
5:30 = Dragonball
6:00 = Dragonball Z (new episode)
6:30 = Dragonball Z (repeat of the Cell saga)

The first hour is DB progressing through the series. The first ep of DBZ is the new season, while the second ep of DBZ is still working through the Cell Games. Once they run out of Cell Game eps, the entire second hour will be the new season of DBZ.

Perhaps I should have said Cartoon Netwrok here in Britain????? We are in the middle of the Cell Games, Goku is still alive (well, he was when I left the house, I'm taping it and im gonna watch it tonight cos there's naff all on telly)

Anyway, at the moment cartoon Network is showing two eps, between 5pm and 6pm. But 5, it's repeating the one shown the day before at 5.30, which can get VERY annoying. Except for today, because my sis was supposed to tape it yesterday at 5.30, but we only got the second half, so I taped it form 5 today.

So Anyway, PLEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSE can somebody keep me updated????????
you want a run down of what all happens?

Oh, and don't ask me, because I never get the stuff in order. *shrug* I can tell you how it all turns out in the end, and the major moments, but don't ask for attacks or anything that ppl used whilst fighting.

I ws hoping that someone could tell me what was happening daily, but I guess that was impossible! My need is not so urgent now, anyway, cos my sis is gonna tape it for me and so far, she's been remembering fine. *Imagines dmalfoy breathing sigh of relief, cos Vicci can still supply her with her fix of DBZ*

Anyway, I kinda kniow wot's gonna happen, ie Goku dies and Gohan 'saves the day'

Thankfully my parents are coming up here on Sunday with my tv and video, so at last I got something to keep me occupied when Im not drinking or sleeping (if only life was that easy)
Hey, trunks, you watch dbz and you're in the uk...could you tell me what's been going on?
hey Snape! We managed to down load a lot of them right now we are up to Goku vs Pikon in the otherworld tournament. Thats past Cell.
Don't read this if you don't want to know what happened!


We saw Goku kill himself, Cell regenerate come back stroner and shoot Trunks with no warning. When Trunks died Vegeta went ballistic and just charged at Cell all shots blazing. But out of the dust Cell appeared and whacked Vegeta so he fell to the ground unconsciousget . He was about to blast him but Gohan got in the way and now they were both unconscious. Gohan's arm severly damaged. Gohan came round and thought he was going to lose. Esp as Vegeta apologized! There was only one damged saya - jin left but then Goku gave encouragement as the others took 18 and Trunks and fly out whilst Cells andGokus kame hame has went at it. Then on the cliff. Piccolo couldn't stay there anymore and went to attack Cell even though he kept getting blasted. Tien and yamcha followed and finally Krillin. They kept shooting and getting blasted, goku sending telepathic encouragement from Snake way but Gohan was still losing. Suddenly a blast from high above Cell caused cell to look up and see Vegeta. In that moment of distraction Gohan blasted even harder which overpowered Cell and disintergrated every cell in Cells body so he could not regenerate again.

The z gang flew off to Kame's tower all except for Vegeta who was thinking about Goku's sacrifice and then flew off in another direction. I assume to capsule corp.
In kame's tower Dende heals Gohan and 18. Gohan realises that Krillin has a crush on 18 and shouts it out to which 18 flies off until the dragon comes and curiosity causes her to come back.
With their first wish they wish back all who cell killed and Trunks come back to life as well as the normal people. oh mean while satan is taking the credit and is getting a ticker tape parade!!!
They try to bring Goku back with the second wish but since he has been revived before the dragon can't do it. So the decide that they'll go to Namek. But Goku tells them he doesn't want to come back because he is indirectly destroying earth because they all keep comming to fight him. So he wants to stay in the other world with King kai and they go on a road trip to see the Grand kai. They talk about Goku for a while but the dragon gets impatient so Krillin asks for the androids to be turned human but he cant do that so then Krillin asks for the bombs to be removed and the dragon makes it so.Then they all set off home and agree to meet at Capsule corp cos trunks is leaving to his own time to kill the androids in his time and 1st transformation cell. On they way home Yamcha tells Trunks what Vegeta did when Trunks died . Trunks is blown away by the news which he tells an astonished Bulma in his future. This leads to a load of flashbacks from the battle.
When leaving Tien tells Trunks that if he needs any help that they'll be there. he says goodbye to everyone and thenb looks at his father. they give each other the peace sign kind of thing and then he leaves to his own time.
He tells Bulma of the battle and Gokus decision. and then sets off to kill the androids and Cell before he could get to the time machine. Oh yeah and baby Trunks takes his first step falls and refuses help in getting up again, getting up himself. Bulma commenting on how stubborn he is. Saying he must have got it from his father. Thus ends the Cell saga!
I *know* I shouldnt have looked, but I just couldn't help myself!!!!!! Now I cant *wait* for the vids to arrive form home, the first one should be finished today or tomorrow, and now that I've bought my tv licence, I can watch them!!!!! yay!!!!!
*jumps up and down with extreme joy...or would do if wasnt in the middle of the library...*

Thanx for that dmalfoy!
I went home last weekend a picked up the vids my sis taped for me, so i bin waitching em since i got bakc here! i'm up to android 18 being regurgitated!
kewl hehe were well ahead of that try videl starting to fall in luv with gohan!!
Trunks, I made that last post almost a month I'm up to date now (almost) anyway, the last episode I saw now was when Gohan goes to high school, just after the afterlife tournament. Anyway, I know all about Videl falling in love with Gohan, and he teachig her to fly, and Goten seeing Goku for the first time at the World Tournament, cos dmalfoy downloaded loadsa eps when I left home and couldnt tape it for her anymore

that was the last episode i saw actually. My best would have to be when gohan beat sell
Yeah, and his eyes were bulging, and then he exploded, and you could see all the individual cells being destroyed. Way cool.
hehe yep videl just learnt how to fly and vegetas training trunks!! hehe its kewl!!!
I seen that already. ahs he found out that trunks can go ssj yet?
i just watched wednesday's dbz i thought it was kool when goku came back it brought a tear to my eye:rolleyes:

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