Q the trickster!!!!

I Love Q! – He’s hilarious.
How many eps are there with him in it?? I’ve only seen the ones in Voyager.

(Who's MNO and P? :blush: )
Oh i think one in DS9 (Q-less) 1st series
in TNG the first,
the last,
one where he gets turned human,
another with a Q girl who was born on earth but her Q parents were killed by the Q she was called Amanda and her powers were beginning to surface.
One where the crew are transported to Sherwood forest as characters of Robin Hood. Picard Robin Hood. Vash Maid Marian and Q as the Sherrif, but theres a twist at the end.
One where he gives Q powers to Riker
Ithink theres one more but i can't remember but thats seven so far.

Oh and O is an entity Q met when he was younger (Q books trilogy - Q strike, Q-zone, Q-space)
And M is another race of Q like people in the book IQ. N and P are just along for the ride
Thanks dmalfoy

I'll have to go to video shop tomorrow and rent a couple TNG out. (Hmmm...Picard, Q and Robin hood...sounds interesting)
excellent episode..... Picard at his best
Data was sooooo funny.... he just could not cope at all
Oh I love data. He's so sweet.

But i found it funny when Q says that if picard acted like this about Vash that he should have appeared as a woman and save himself a whole lot of trouble.
I also liked the hats and the staff appearing on the crew during Picards talk at the conference.
I like the ending it allows them to link to DS9. He is one of the most steady and continuos characters they have. He'sa problem they just can't seem to get away from. And we all love him for it!!!
Does anyone else think that Squire Trlawney in TOS was the original blueprint for the Q character?
Originally posted by dmalfoy
Oh i think one in DS9 (Q-less) 1st series
in TNG the first,
the last,
one where he gets turned human,
another with a Q girl who was born on earth but her Q parents were killed by the Q she was called Amanda and her powers were beginning to surface.
One where the crew are transported to Sherwood forest as characters of Robin Hood. Picard Robin Hood. Vash Maid Marian and Q as the Sherrif, but theres a twist at the end.
One where he gives Q powers to Riker
Ithink theres one more but i can't remember but thats seven so far.

The last one you're thinking of might be 'Tapestry', Picard 'dies' and finds out that Q is god! His reaction: "You can't be God.....the Universe wasn't so badly designed!" :D
There was also "All Good Things..." of course.

There are a few novels which assume that the Squire of Gothos was a Q. Although there are a lot of similarities, there are also some differences, but the Squire was meant to be a young member of his race, (his parents come and take him away, and apologise) so maybe that explains them.

Funny, isn't that the plot of "Q2" VOY??

A 'Blueprint for Q' -- Yes, definitely.
LOL very true dave..... funny how things come around
Q was great, but i thought he could have had the decency to zap Voyager home after they saved the continuum and all...

But Q vs Picard was the best contest, Janeway didn't have much to offer up...
Yeah he wasn't as daring or adventurous in Voyager.
he acted like a spoilt child on TNG and children were the one thing Picard couldn't really stand. And he was stuck with an overgrown one who he couldn't get rid of and held power over him. So there was better chemistry between the two actors. rather than with voyager where they made him grow up. well im my opinion anyway.
Ya gotta love his attitude though-pain-in-the-ass and don't give a damn its funny to watch peoples reactions to him specially when he winds up Worf:lol:
How about on the one where he turns human. He tried to get round Worf by saing that he sjould have picked Kilngon that he was really a klingon at heart. LOL
Originally posted by Gater
Ya gotta love his attitude though-pain-in-the-ass and don't give a damn its funny to watch peoples reactions to him specially when he winds up Worf:lol:

gotta say that is soooooo funny when he winds up worf
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