Episodes without Sam and Jack romance are so cold ! Please post your opinion here.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2001
Why these people lost the idea about S&J romance ? Episodes are cold and sad without it. It's because of that SG is so better than Star Trek !

NO another Mulder and Scully, please.

Please all Shippers post your opinion here !


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Hi Jeane..... welcome to the forums and the Season 5 threads!

You might find quite a few varying opinions about Sam and Jack romances..... some people are really for it, and others are completely against it. Either way, you should find lots to discuss. All opinions are welcome, as long as the post is not offensive to anyone else and the poster resists from flaming or being unnecessarily nasty... Otherwise enjoy your visits and make sure you go to all of the other threads too and visit. There's lots to read and see.....

:D ;) :cool:
Hey Jeane, welcome to the site :)

Personally, I don't mind how things are between Jack and Sam at the moment.
We know and they know how they feel about each other and I think that's enough for now.
I do like it as one aspect of the show, but I don't think it should be a storyline that always need to be addressed in every episode.
:D :D
Guys, since this seems to be more of a general discussion about Jack and Sam or possible pairing than about Season Five, I am moving it to General Discussions.

I totally agree with u jeane! Welcome 2 ascifi by the way. Jessa and I r also s/j ers.

Spoiler gap:

In Ascension, Jack was totally cold and heartless. He didn't seem 2 care about her, in fact, they were all acting a little wiggy in that ep. Not 1 of my faves at all!
I have to agree with Nic on this one...I do like the whole Jack and Sam thing but I kinda like it left as it is...with the two of them know how the other feels but not really taking any action about it.:D
Originally posted by pamie
I have to agree with Nic on this one...I do like the whole Jack and Sam thing but I kinda like it left as it is...with the two of them know how the other feels but not really taking any action about it.:D

Thanks Pam:D

I mean, they can't really so anything with their current working relationship. Maybe when they round they final series up though, or in the film...:D :cool:
Ah nooo!!!!

Sorry but I don't like s/j relationships......sg1 is more of a family than anything, and even if it weren't I just can't see s/j sticking together that way........

But that's just me, I know there are heaps of people who really really want that pairing :(

:blpaw: :blpaw:
Well, I'm with Willow on this one...
It would wreck the balance of the team... If Sam and Jack would get together, what would happen with Danny and Teal'c? Would the writers simply ignore them for the more "interesting" relationship between Jack and Sam? They're a family, and they should all stick together... What happens after SG-1 splits up, and Jack retires etc. is a different matter, but hopefully, that won't happen for a long time yet...

Phew, this got long... Well, this is what I think, so now you have my opinion... :rolleyes: :cool:
I expect just some unresolved sexual (romance) situations more than in XF. Just it !

Unless in the end of the show, THE ROMANCE SHOULD BE PLATONIC but we still can have some clues here. They have to show it and make a more human, more real and much more attractive tv series. S&J can deal with that and not just ignore it like something that did not work because it works ! These characters are humans not machines, for God sake !

Today more than ever we need love and romance instead of only violence and war. Some humor is good too. Television should do enterteinement.
No Touchy Feely Stuff

I agree with Willow and Mystere. No romance between Jack and Sam!:evil: :angryfire I don't want touchy feely episodes from SG1. I get enough of that from Farscape. Besides,

Jack is MINE!
S/J relationship was a thing Skip and I were discussing once: With what's going to happen to Daniel, I theorised there'd be nothing stopping the writers doing something on the S/J front. I'm not saying that Daniel is in any way competition (sorry Danielites, it's the way it is) but by narrowing down the main cast, it does seem a possiblity. Particularly if there's been hints of it in recent S5 eps. I haven't seen S5, and don't like on shippy stuff, I'm just speculating.
The Jack + Sam relationship is, if not the POINT of the show, one of the major themes. However, I reckon that it should only really be resolved at the very end. If Jack dies at the end (this could happen ppl, although I obviously help it doesn't!) then Sam should go and live with Narim on Tollana.

If Jack and Sam got together before the end then that would just spoil the show.

Is it true that there's anything between Doc Frasier and Hammond? or is that just a rumour I heard?
Ummmm........maybe I have totally missed the point here..... but I thought the point of the show was the Stargate and what it stood for....in both the ancient history of earth and humans and future history of the human race. If I thought that it was just a vehicle for a soap opera relationship between one or more of the characters then I for one certainly wouldn't have started watching it.

I wonder if anyone has told RDA or the Stargate production people that they are really making a romantic soap opera. I think that it might come as rather a shock to all of them!

Or have I been watching a different Stargate SG1 to KingKnitz?

:D :D ;)
Yeah I know but this IS meant to be a thread about the J + S relationship...........?

I don't like soaps and I appreciate that SG-1 is a sci-fi programme, not a soap but my point was that SG-1 is not just a collection of random episodes, but has a number of ongoing themes such as (up till the end of S3 where I am now): Teal'c trying to eventually liberate Chulak, search for Skarra/Shau're/Harcesis and others, one of which is the relationship between Carter and O'Neill.

If they just left the J+S situation as it is I think many people would be dissapointed that there was not a proper resolution.
I was answering your comment about the point of the show, not whether the thread was about S & J thing. I am constantly amazed how this issue, has gathered such momentum as the series has gone on... and now it's considered to be a major issue?

I think it's a very minor byline... but certainly not a major issue such as the one's you set out in your posting. And it certainly doesn't seem as though the Stargate production people thinks it's a major issue either.

I can only assume that this stems from the folk who want there to be the filip of romance in everything they watch in order to make it watchable.


Whatever floats your boat. Personally I found the episodes where they did indulge in this made me cringe. And even though this series is being repeated on Sky One from the beginning, I have found that those episodes STILL make me cringe, so it's not as though they get any better for me, second or third time round.

Personally I don't scrutinise every single episode for every little nuance of every little personal thing that happens, no matter who it's between. If I was to enter a Stargate trivia game right now, I would fail miserably. I couldn't tell you in what episode and at what point in the episode Jack gave Sam 'that look'. I don't watch them over and over again and I don't sit with a pad for the bloopers, or even laboriously sit and write the script out. I just watch the show... sometimes there are things about an episode which make me cringe, sometimes there are things which I really like.

The S & J thing doesn't make the show.... and episodes without it, don't spoil it for me and many others, or make it dull.

And THAT was what this thread was originally about!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;)
Hmmmmmmmm......you may not believe me now but I do actually agree with you in a way. Episodes without the S+J thing are not dull because of it.

This isn't the reason I watch SG-1. I watch it because I like sci-fi in general and I think SG-1 is one of the best sci-fis around in every respect(definately the best tv sci-fi). As someone said earlier. If I wanted a so called 'emotional' sci-fi programme then I'd watch Farscape, which I don't beause it sucks.

However, some episodes are very focused upon this for example Point of View.

I concede it's not the POINT of the show, Anni, but it is PART of the show!
LOL LOL..... Point conceded darling.... I agree that in some episodes it WAS most certainly a part.... and quite a big part.

I have really mixed feelings about Farscape... it was fine at first, but then it turned weird.... and now all they seem to do is lurch at each other. I am soooooo glad that Stargate has avoided that particular trap. And I must say that any S & J stuff has been dealt with a lot more sensibly!

;) :cool:
Originally posted by Anni

Personally I don't scrutinise every single episode for every little nuance of every little personal thing that happens, no matter who it's between. If I was to enter a Stargate trivia game right now, I would fail miserably. I couldn't tell you in what episode and at what point in the episode Jack gave Sam 'that look'.

Oh, I'm one of those... I'm not looking for Sam and Jack moments (sorry shippers!) *doesn't look very sorry*, but I love all those little character moments. I don't watch the show because of the effects, but because of the characters... Those little moment (that might not even be there really...) is what makes the show so special...
Similarity between J/D (S4) and S/J (S5)

Originally posted by Sci-Fi16
S/J relationship was a thing Skip and I were discussing once: With what's going to happen to Daniel, I theorised there'd be nothing stopping the writers doing something on the S/J front. I'm not saying that Daniel is in any way competition (sorry Danielites, it's the way it is) but by narrowing down the main cast, it does seem a possiblity. Particularly if there's been hints of it in recent S5 eps. I haven't seen S5, and don't like on shippy stuff, I'm just speculating.

I didn't notice Daniel's presence preventing it from happening in Season Four, and he had way more screen time then than he does now. Besides, they're adding another character to take Daniel's place, so you still have the same size cast.

The S/J shippers are going through what we Jack/Daniel friendshippers had to go through last year. The first three seasons played up the J/D friendship (especially Season Three), but if someone first came to the show in Season Four, they'd never know the two were ever friends. They were either "business only" or continually fighting. They fought in earlier seasons, too, but you had the friendship moments to balance it out. After being spoiled in Season Three, Season Four was a shock. It's like that with Sam and Jack now. There is a coolness there that one would not expect after seeing Season Four. The 'ship has been there since the start, like with J/D, and was emphasized in Season Four (like J/D in Three). Then...nothing. I sympathize. I know exactly how they feel.

There's no need to end the personal relationship between them. I'm no shipper, but I do value the relationships that exist between the members of the team. Sam and Jack's is just as important as anyone else's. I would like to see it continue to be developed.

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