Favorite and least favorite aliens...

The sky one special was not as good as i thought it would be...
Just showed three episodes back to back.... but IMHO they were not her best
Would not loose to much sleep if i was u
Hated: Vidiians, Kazon, Borg

Loved: Ocampa, Species 8472, Hirogen.:rolly2: :D
Originally posted by Roach
Borg- In my opinion, the Borg image was destroyed by the Voyager series. It was far better when we knew little about them, and the Federation had only a few like, kamakazi methods of dealing with them. Voy and First Contact revealed everything we need to know about the Borg, how to beat them, and they're just not menacing anymore.

Borg are my fav. I was really scared of them at the start, I was always on the edge of my seat when the heroes would walk passed a borg recharging on a cube. I kept waiting for one to suddenly come to life and attack.
However, like Roach said, Voyager seemed to reveal so much about them, that they were no longer scarey and mysterious.

Another race I liked were them aliens who were "hunters". I don't remember what they were called though :(
The hunters were the Hirogen.

So many of the foreigners they meet in StarTrek, that have any prospect of being reliable alien enemies with different priorities and needs, rapidly become Star Fleet in their views after meeting a Federations ship.

What price the Prime Directive?
Ray u said it.... what price for the prime directive....

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