Chakotay/Seven pick-up lines

ROTFLMAO!!!!:lol: :laugh: :laugh2: Really funny you guys!
You SHOULD get an agent! hehehe
"Is that a prosthesis in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?"

I know it should be the other way around, but it just had to be said!
:cool: :evil:
*shakes head*

That is the funniest thing - why on earth didn't Harry take her up on it? Didn't he have a crush on her?
There is a difference between smooching on the couch, possibly a little naughty phoowwrggh!
And a medical clap parade with the MO examining it at the end of a ruler.

Think 7o9 view extended to the second scenario- It would take somebody with more balls than Kim.
Back to the pick-up lines then....

Chakotay: "Did you realise my Maquis pips are different from Starfleet pips?"

Seven: "No, but is that why you want to date me?"

sorry, but I'm scraping the barrel now!
Re: Back to the pick-up lines then....

Originally posted by Dave
sorry, but I'm scraping the barrel now!
Maybe Seven should use that one.
A couple more:

Someone must have shot you with a phaser set on 'stunning.

Your mouth says, 'Shields up!', but your eyes say, 'A hull breach is imminent.
Reviving thread...

Heh! They're playing our triaxilating signal.

They say Unimatrix Zero was destroyed... but I could still get you in.

My name is 7 of 9, but you can call me anytime!
