If you were captain would you have made Chakotay first officer?


Red Pixie Boot Wearer
Mar 12, 2001
Chakotay as well all know was a Maquis but Janeway by the end of "Caretaker" seemed to trust him a little and made him first officer of Voyager over Tuvok. Did she do this because he once was in starfleet or was it because if she didn't make him first officer then the Maquis on Voyager would have raised hell. I think I would have picked him as first officer because one Tuvok would have gotten on my last nerve if he was sitting next to me all the time and second because of the reasons I listed above.
Good question! Maybe at first Janeway also wanted Chakotay where she could keep an eye on him?..... After all Tuvok had been a spy on the Maquis ship so he would have informed Janeway about each crew member. Or maybe even Tuvok thought Chakotay would be a good first officer, too.

I liked Tuvok, but I think he would have been overbearing as a First Officer. Plus he could potentially accomplish more by being in Security. (Or not, hehehe!)

What other choices did Janeway have? I'm trying to remember back to those first episodes. Seems like there might not have been as high ranking an officer as was needed, except Tuvok. And Chakotay was a captain on his own ship, so maybe part appeasement/alliance there as well.

She was also aware that the Maquis were not likely to relish having to take orders from a Starfleet Officer, but Chakotay, being one of them, would be more able to control them.

They should have developed this more, instead of making them become good little Starfleet officers after a couple of episodes.
So who would u have made first officer
i would have chosen chakotay for the same reasons as u...it would go down better with the maquis
Absolutely, it was done for entirely diplomatic reasons. But if I was Harry Kim, I'd hardly be able to contain myself. I mean, all these guys are getting promoted ahead of him, who aren't even in starfleet, and he's still stuck as an Ensign.

Does everyone (or anyone) here think that Chakotay's a good first officer?
What exactly do you mean by 'Good'?

IMHO he supported Janeway, which is what would be vital in the position they were in. Sometimes he supported her too much, even when she was wrong, and that made him seem weak. On the few occassions when he did disagree with her (Scorpion Pt1.) she got her own way anyhow, and he was made to feel like he had let her down, but what good would he be if he wasn't honest and simply a 'Yes' man?
Hmmm. Yeah, "Good" is a bit too general.

Anyway, I think he makes a "good" first officer because he's quite authoritative, but only when it comes to having authority over people of less rank. As a first officer, he realizes that although he's at the head of the ship, there's still someone above him- the captain.

And I don't think Chakotay can challenge Janeways authority very well. Whenever he does, he has to gather support from other members of the crew (mainly Tuvok)- it's almost like he has to ask permission and gain the approval of someone before going ahead.
He had no spine.... he always backed her up and backed off when she shouted 'Jump'
well not all the time, he did go behind her back and sever the borg alliance while she was unconcious...

i wouldnt have chosen chakotay. its right wat neo said. he backed her up too stirctly. u know? he had no spine as neo put it!lol

then gain i dont know who i would have chosen......id say paris but hes too inexperienced but then agaun its not ike chakotay had any starfleet experience right?
Tuvok is the man for me.... definately

myabe.........but hes too logical. i mean hed oppose evry risk the cappy was to take
but would always give an logical alternative...

yeh but thats not gonna be helpful if shes about to go on a mission where she needs her first officer to back her up.u know wat i mean?

tuvok would be tehre listing all the reasons why she shouldnt do it! i mean in that time she could complete the mission!lol
Janeway would do what she wanted anyway.... no matter what either Tuvok or Chakotay would say
Yes, why doesn't Tuvok act like the other full Vulcans we see, especially the ones in 'Enterprise', but in other series too. He is almost apologetic when criticising Janeway. Shouldn't he be all superior, know it all, and holier than thou?

u rasie a good point. i mean if i remember coorectly when humans first contated or reached the vulcans , the vulcans were all u know-we're superoiots like dave said.
they wereny rven going to bother with earth coz it was too primitive in their eyes. (befiore that dude tested his warp drive thing out and riker is telling him all this stuff)

i think tuvok has somehow lost his ...feeling of being superior. i think he feels that he was truly superiot he woulda got them home by now. or maybe im just thnking too much.........or babbling
i think you are right neo i mean i cant stand the bloke especialy because of him and seven in series 7 (lucky bugger!!!!) but i suppose ethicaly janeway diddnt have much of a choice :(

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