If you were captain would you have made Chakotay first officer?

I think the Vulcans have had to moderate their view of humans somewhat.

From what I have read of Enterprise, T'Pol was assigned by the Vulcans as much to watch over the activities of the crew as they staggered into space, as to render assistance.

By the time frame of TOS, humans had already surpassed their Vulcan teachers in their range of technology and spread of their race into the Cosmos, let alone sheer manufacturing grunt. Thus Spock tended towards the belief he was an equal with the rest of the crew, though older more imperious views were still held on the Vulcan home world.

On then to the Voyager era, and human inspired Federation science has eclipsed anything their more methodical Vulcan allies could/would have achieved. The Vulcans have woken up and smelt the humus. It takes more than rules, logic and planning to succeed. It takes all those annoying human traits of impetuosity, inspiration, bloody mindedness and lucky guesses. Things the Vulcans have spent centuries breeding out of themselves. So now it is a case of 'If you can't beat them, join them'.

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