Which Heinlein Book Should You Have Been A Character In?


You belong in the Cat Who Walks Through Walls. You are creative and cunning. Your works often feel empty to you, though others love them. You suspect that the universe and everyone in it are just characters in someone else's story.
I Got...​


You belong in The Man Who Sold The Moon. You are a dreamer. People don't understand you your calling, and often get in your way. Frontiers call to you, and you will breathe your last breath as you gaze back from a distant horizon.


You belong in Time Enough For Love. You are older than you look. Your wit and wisdom are prized by others. People throw themselves on you, begging to be with you.

622 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 31130 times.
2% of people had this result.

BTW, who is Robert Heinlein???? Probably a blasphemous question but I don't read Sci-fi!!!

I got "Farnhams Freehold". I do not see myself as a survivalist. (though I do get a cat). Still, in most of RAH's works, I'd end up a minor character (perhaps "We also walk dogs?", while this quiz is plainly aimed at the front runners.
I got the Cat who Walks... as well.

Here's something odd: according to the quiz site, only 4% of the total people that have taken this quiz should have been in this book - but no less than 25% of Chronicles Network forumers seem to have done so! What does this say about us :confused:
Finally took this after seeing the thread aound for awhile. This is what I got but I think it was over 20 years since I read the book and I don't remember it. I'll have to put it back in the TBR list.


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forgot i took it. took it again. new result.

You belong in I Will Fear No Evil. Your body is your prison, and you would trade everything you have, even your sex, for a new lease on life.

444 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 31261 times.
1% of people had this result.

You belong in the Puppet Masters. Your world is filled with hidden foes. You trust no one, and you know that someday you'll find and destroy the bad guys hideout.
Ummm... all I can say is: What the..... ?

You belong in Time Enough For Love. You are older than you look. Your wit and wisdom are prized by others. People throw themselves on you, begging to be with you.

Sorry, guys. Lazarus Long I ain't!

You belong in the Cat Who Walks Through Walls. You are creative and cunning. Your works often feel empty to you, though others love them. You suspect that the universe and everyone in it are just characters in someone else's story.

This was incidentally, the first Heinlein I ever read.

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