Captain Jonathan Archer

I think the problem here is that Captain Leap hasn't left Ziggy behind!

The synopsis of Archer's character was just about right- For the first half dozen episodes. All of which was cool.

Then up pops Ziggy and he becomes a cynic for an episode or two, then a gullible fool, variously followed by limp wristed idiot, scheming SOB and now, as I return from the khazi, the button has been pressed again and he is attempting to beat the proverbials out of an alien with a skin complaint, trying to make out he is the hard man! As the alien is tied down, I'm thinking bully.

It is just as obvious that Bakula's heart isn't in it, so Archer the Village Idiot has got in my mind and it won't go away again!

If there were indications of or progression towards and in his mood swings, then perhaps things would be better. But there isn't. We literally step from mild mannered idiot, content with the idea of boring the Galaxy to death, to roaring yoboo in the space of a commercial and is much worse (IMHO) than the inevitable reset switch.
