Movie Trivia!!

Re: Movie Trivia

ravenus said:
Here's a simple one. Which film was the primary inspiration behind Lucas' Star Wars movie?
It was The Hidden Fortress by Kurosawa. It had the theme of a fiesty princess needing to be kept safe from her late father's enemies by a motley crew so that she may reclaim her legacy. The characters of the bickering peasants in this movie were supposed to have inspired the C3PO-R2D2 pair.
Re: Movie Trivia

Which "character" can be seen in the film Forbidden Planet and made a cameo appearance in Gremlins???
(As an extra clue, this character also made many cameo appearances in the series Lost in Space and the original series of The Twilight Zone)

Re: Movie Trivia

Robbie the Robot?

If so, then what is the connection between "The Day the Earth Stood Still" and Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness?
Re: Movie Trivia

"Damn yer eyes, sirah!!!" I was hoping no one would get Robbie!!! :D

Can't answer yours in return, just yet, need to see Army of Darkness!!! :(
Re: Movie Trivia

Umm, is it that Ash spoke the same thing (or similar anyway) as Klaatu?
Re: Movie Trivia

Okay, here is a question:

Who is Thomas A Anderson otherwise known as??? And name the film(s) the character has appeared in... :D
Re: Movie Trivia

HEHEH... Smartypants!!!

What was the name of Captain James T Kirk's son, in The Wrath of Khan/The Search for Spock???
Re: Movie Trivia

"It is not the axe that cuts, but the tree that is cut,"- Ancient Chinese saying.

1) Who played Jill Masterson in Goldfinger?

And, for bonus Brownie points:

2) How was the character's relationship with Tilly changed from the book for the film?

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