One for the lasses (but blokes may also participate :D)

yeah - u guys *must* be great cos ARAGORN'S LOSING heheehehehahahahahahah lol!:D :D :D
hmmm I don't know if i would choose any of them. I mean if one had the look and physique of Aragorn the fighting style of Legolas, the passion of boromir the humour and accent of pippin and the eyes of frodo. Then maybe I'd vote for him. Actually I sincewanna vote for most of them and stick themn in a blender but as I can't I'll vote for Aragorn
Yeah blood and bones everywhere not what we need to tkhink of right now! LOL

ooh its 3:4 arrie to leggy
Just need to find one more Arrie fan to catch up. Come on there's got to be more than just three of us out there!!!
HAHA ! I sahll get all my skule mates to sign up and vote for Legoals!

Nah they not really into this sorta thing...
now Aragorn needs 2 more votes to catch up to legolas!B/c legolas is just better and thats all there is to it!
hey hard choice but legolas it is.
why have only half of the people that voted, voted Legolas?
