Sauron Seekers Society

Beware the Christmas presents from Mordor!


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ha that's great. I'll be a little weary opening my Christmas pressies from now on!
ahhhhhhhh, there's an eye in my teapot! no wait that's an old teabag gone moldy...ahhhhh there's an eye in my teapot under the moldy teabag!
I just got one of 'em new-fangled computer mice with the little scroll button in the middle of the two regular buttons... and what d' ya' know? whenever I press on it, the EYE apears right on my monitor! Crazy wild stuff!
Ahhhh, there's an eye in the middle of my boss' forhead!!!:eek:
Originally posted by Legolas
new-fangled? have you seen a Powerball mouse?

It is evedent from my post here that I have seen one... though I must confess It took me a while to actualy GET one... shortly after my old mouse curled up in its hole and died:dead: to be percise.
are you suggesting that I don't really see one on my boss' forehead!?!?!:D
when did we say that? I saw one earlier in skule - or was it the headteacher...?
hmm, no one's been here for a while. Has the eye lost interest on us & is now searching somewhere else? wait there's an eye on every thumb tack on the wall, Ahhhhhhhhh!
hmm, still no one here. Doesn't ANYONE see the eye anymore???
WHAT?!?!? No, how could you! But then you don't have to be wearing the ring to see the eye!
I SWEAR I saw the eye in the bark of a tree last night. Didn't have my camera though:(

I like the animated " One Ring " Skip! How's it done?

Star'man'ac :smokin:
didn't nic make it for you? or did she just tell you how?

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