It would have been nicer for me had I not been feeling rather unwell...... my hotel was fine....very posh. Just as well, considering all I seemed to be able to do was zone in and out of consciousness.
sorry guys..... I was hardly the life and soul of the party.
It was okay..... but in all honesty, it needed to be smaller.....not bigger. There is far too much queuing and far too few activities. Sitting there listening two days running to the fairly banal questions which ran close to.... "What's your fave colour?" was tedious and in all honesty, it would have probably been suicide to ask any sort of question that may have been viewed as intelligent or even slightly contentious... and I might have been able to fight one or two off.....but 999? Not at this stage in the game!
The con needs to be smaller and in a bigger venue. Too crowded, not enough places to actually sit and relax, too much officiousness (as per bloody usual) from the organisers and staff, the Q & A sessions seemed to always start at least 30 minutes late, but we were still treated to Brian rabbiting on when they could have made up for by getting the guests to do extra. Then there were statements made that the guests were 'tired and sick' which made me..... a very sick lady indeed and struggling to stay on her feet..... rather irritated. They were being paid to attend, and the least they could do was make an effort. Amanda did, but Michael wimped out..... Many excuses made about how tired he was from doing tours... thoughts are, if you don't want to do the time...don't do the crime.
Sorry guys.... these cons are a pain in the proverbial and not worth the money we all fork out for them. A few intelligent discussion groups wouldn't come amiss and a little less of the 'Fans are hysterical, unwashed, diseased and therefore not to be allowed to contaminate the guests' attitude would be very pleasant. I am getting rather tired of being treated like a second class citizen and just because the more hysterical among us all scream with delight over just being in the same hemisphere as the godlike Michael and Saintly Sam, doesn't mean that I have to accept a shoddy, badly organised and generally irritating event.
The ONLY thing that happened on the weekend was that I got to meet the delightful Pamie again..... Summershake (Suzanne), Annette, Skip, Mishkaz and many others that I met at SG3. Now THAT was fun....I was just sorry I felt so exhausted all the time. The rest of them? Well dear old Michael and Amanda could have stayed home and vegetated for all the interest I had in them, although Amanda was quite entertaining.
Tom McBeath looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights.....and poor little Lexa spent the entire time trying to live up to Godlike Michael in the eyes of the fans.