1.21 : Detained.


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
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Episode Title: 'Detained'

Rumoured to feature Archer and Mayweather trapped in Gantoris, a detention center set up by a race known as the Mazarites and populated by Suliban. Archer learns that only a small number of Suliban are part of the hostile genetically-engineered group known as the Cabal, but all other Suliban are still being held responsible for the Cabal's actions and locked up. Together with a Suliban father who Archer and Mayweather befriend, they begin to devise a plan to escape from Gantoris.

Dean Stockwell appeared in the hit series 'Quantum Leap' as 'Al' the hologram. Stockwell appeared alongside Scott Bakula in the series, who of course now plays Enterprise Captain - Jonathan Archer. Since ENTERPRISE began, one question had been whether Dean Stockwell would appear on the show. In our recent exclusive interview, Scott Bakula said "I’d love it for Dean to do an episode, as would he. I miss working with him; we had such a good time. They would have to be clever about it or just ignore it, so that it wouldn’t be a distraction, but add to the show."

Rumoured to feature Archer and Mayweather trapped in Gantoris, a detention center set up by a race known as the Mazarites and populated by Suliban. Archer learns that only a small number of Suliban are part of the hostile genetically-engineered group known as the Cabal, but all other Suliban are still being held responsible for the Cabal's actions and locked up. Together with a Suliban father who Archer and Mayweather befriend, they begin to devise a plan to escape from Gantoris. (January 26, 2002 - TrekToday)

Scott Bakula's Quantum Leap co-star Dean Stockwell will reportedly make a guest appearance in this episode. (February 11, 2002 - TrekToday)

The Mazarites were renamed the Tandarans in the final script. (February 13, 2002 - TrekToday)

John Billingsley: "We've got another Suliban episode coming up, but not the temporal Suliban. There are good Suliban in this episode." (February 20, 2002 - TrekToday)

Brannon Braga: "Dean Stockwell is going to play a big villain opposite Scott Bakula. He runs the prison where the innocent Suliban are being held. Archer and this guy have a series of very philosophical scenes. It seems like the perfect episode to ask Dean Stockwell to do, and he was very generous to agree to do it." (February 26, 2002 - TrekToday)

Reportedly features Malcolm Reed assuming the guise of a Suliban to rescue Archer and Mayweather. (February 27, 2002 - TrekToday)

Scott Bakula: "[When] Archer and Mayweather find themselves in what is in effect a space version of an internment camp surrounded by Suliban they are forced to confront their prejudicial feelings. Obviously this mirrors some of the experiences we've been reading about with regards to encountering Arab-Americans since September 11th."
It was just like old times on the set of Enterprise when Scott Bakula (Jonathan Archer) reunited with his Quantum Leap co-star Dean Stockwell while shooting the upcoming episode 'Detained.'

"We get along so great...we had such a good time on the set we had everybody laughing," disclosed Stockwell.

In the episode, which airs April 24, Stockwell plays the villain of the piece, the Tandaran Colonel Grat. He runs the internment camp where Archer and Mayweather are detained with various Suliban after violating Tandaran space.

Executive producer Brannon Braga said recently that "Archer and this guy [Grat] have a series of very philosophical scenes. It seems like the perfect episode to ask Dean Stockwell to do, and he was very generous to agree to do it."

There may even be a chance for Stockwell to return to Enterprise. "The character I'm playing doesn't get killed," he said, "so it's a pretty open door for having that character return."
Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell couldn't have had more fun shooting the upcoming 'Detained.'

"He's awesome," Bakula said of Stockwell, "We had so much fun. We just picked up where we left off [in 'Quantum Leap]. That was a blast. It was so great, having him here. He had a mouthful of stuff to say. He's cross-eyed, looking at me, like, 'What is this? How do you do this?'"

Anthony Montgomery (Travis Mayweather) was amazed by the chemistry between the two actors, Stockwell recalled. "He couldn't believe the way Scott and I carried on. He sat there with his mouth open. It's all very spontaneous. We're ribbing each other all the time."

'Detained' features Stockwell as Colonel Grat, the commandant of a Tandaran prison facility where Archer and Mayweather are held prisoner. "They've got these humanoids called the Suliban, and some of them are bad, some of them are good," the Academy Award-nominated actor said. "I'm detaining a whole bunch of the good ones, so they won't go out and get bad."

"They were being kept in this camp for their own 'protection,' because some of them had been killed," Bakula added. "When the genetically enhanced Suliban started their evil ways, they were all lumped together. You might draw some comparisons in today's world."
How long did they work with each other on Q LEap
Story By: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Teleplay By: Mike Sussman & Phyllis Strong
Directed By: David Livingston

Guest Stars:

Dean Stockwell as Colonel Grat
Christopher Shea as Sajen
Jessica D. Stone as Narra
Dennis Christopher as Danik
David Kagen as Major Klev



Rumoured to feature Archer and Mayweather trapped in Gantoris, a detention center set up by a race known as the Mazarites and populated by Suliban. Archer learns that only a small number of Suliban are part of the hostile genetically-engineered group known as the Cabal, but all other Suliban are still being held responsible for the Cabal's actions and locked up. Together with a Suliban father who Archer and Mayweather befriend, they begin to devise a plan to escape from Gantoris. (January 26, 2002 - TrekToday)

Scott Bakula's Quantum Leap co-star Dean Stockwell will reportedly make a guest appearance in this episode. (February 11, 2002 - TrekToday)

The Mazarites were renamed the Tandarans in the final script. (February 13, 2002 - TrekToday)

John Billingsley: "We've got another Suliban episode coming up, but not the temporal Suliban. There are good Suliban in this episode." (February 20, 2002 - TrekToday)

Brannon Braga: "Dean Stockwell is going to play a big villain opposite Scott Bakula. He runs the prison where the innocent Suliban are being held. Archer and this guy have a series of very philosophical scenes. It seems like the perfect episode to ask Dean Stockwell to do, and he was very generous to agree to do it." (February 26, 2002 - TrekToday)

Reportedly features Malcolm Reed assuming the guise of a Suliban to rescue Archer and Mayweather. (February 27, 2002 - TrekToday)

Scott Bakula: "[When] Archer and Mayweather find themselves in what is in effect a space version of an internment camp surrounded by Suliban they are forced to confront their prejudicial feelings. Obviously this mirrors some of the experiences we've been reading about with regards to encountering Arab-Americans since September 11th." (March 7, 2002 - TrekToday)

Dean Stockwell: "The character I'm playing doesn't get killed, so it's a pretty open door for having that character return." (April 14, 2002 - TrekToday)

Scott Bakula: "[The Suliban] were being kept in this camp for their own 'protection,' because some of them had been killed. When the genetically enhanced Suliban started their evil ways, they were all lumped together. You might draw some comparisons in today's world." (April 17, 2002 - TrekToday)
Could someone please tell me how this ends, the news guys decided to cut in on the last nine minutes to tell about a tornado warning about a hundred miles away. Stupid T.V. channel.
Originally posted by Neo
How long did they work with each other on Q LEap

the series Quantum Leap ran for 5 years --

i'm kinda waiting for one or the other (Dean or Scott) to end up on JAG - another Donald Bellesario program --
Originally posted by Lonewolf89
Could someone please tell me how this ends, the news guys decided to cut in on the last nine minutes to tell about a tornado warning about a hundred miles away. Stupid T.V. channel.

well - umm - guess it would depend on what the last part you saw was --

Reed blows a hole in the wall, and Trip swoops in w/ his shuttlecraft and takes out all the exterior weapons towers and such so the Suhliban can escape - Reed finds Archer, but then so does Grat - there's a scuffle - they leave Grat alone in the cell where Archer was being held, and escape to the shuttlepods - and all the ppl and aliens get off the planet -- the end --

i know -really short - but there wasn't really much more than some shooting and some exchanges of words - Archer had something of a 'moral' argument with Grat --

but i missed the first 10 minutes, so i'm not sure what was going on b4 Mayweather and Archer got to the planet --
Thanks, Highlander! By the way, the beginnning starts with them waking wake up in the cells.
ah - nice intro - they wake up in these cells -

are we told why they're there??
their shuttle entered some military zone without knowing it...well they just miss interprtted the warning...energy beam sound something or other. Don't know why Archer & Mayweather were in a shuttle together though...
thanx - and i'm not sure if UPN ran it again on Sat or not - i missed it -- was doing other things -

oh well, there's always reruns ---
I don't think it ever says why they are in the shuttle pod together, I'll have to watch it again and see.

The show starts with Archer and Travis in a cell and Travis wakes up and does a little exploring before waking Archer. He tells Archer that they are surrounded by Suliban. They come out of the cell together only to run into a female Suliban and then some alarms go off. The alarms indicate that it is time to count the prisoners. That's when they find out that they are being detained for violating Tandaran space. They tell Grat(Stockwell) that they were just investigating radiation coming from a moon.

I think every one saw the rest so I won't explain further.
I am watching this tonight... Looking forward to it
It was a good slower, more talk/ less action episode.

I think that Archer should have shared more information with Grat. His reason that he didn’t like being strong-armed wasn't good enough, considering what he might have got in return. And although he released one camp of Suliban detainees, there were still many others and even he said he didn't know if they would be better off at the end. Now he has made enemies of the Tandarans who could have been allies against the Cabal.

At least Mayweather got some screen time.
This episode had a whole ton of morality issues and ultimately did Archer do the right thing ?

If you look at it from the point of view that these are innocents being held just because they belong to a certain race/religion then yes they should be freed (liken it to the Jewish Concentration Camps in WWII) but what happens if these normal sulibans get free and are immediately captured by the Cabal. I couldn't work out if they would just be captured and automatically turned by the Cabal or whether they would have the freedom to just stay as they are (don't think I'm making myself too clear here!)

I guess what I am trying to say is that if they have been freed from one prison only to have no option but be taken to another and then genetically enhanced and become cabal soldiers - then Col Grat is right - all they have done is given the enemy 80 odd new recruits. On the basis that the Cabal are the enemy of humans as well our Johnny boy may not have done the right thing.

Makes me wonder what Picard would have done - probably wouldn't have had such a knee jerk reaction to the situation!

Wow, just re-read the post - I'm not usually so deep about these things !
Originally posted by Brit Chick
Makes me wonder what Picard would have done.

Interesting question!

I'm not sure if there would be a simple diplomatic solution. You can be sure that whatever Picard decided, it would be at odds with Starfleet though!