whhoooo. now we treading on thin ice. :wink2:
I really regret not sitting in on the session at Gatecon that interviewed photo stand-ins and know a little more about this subject from the television side.
But I was there for the Jay Avacone version of the "I knocked out Amanda T." story. The trouble that directors have to guard against is letting an actor get into the "I can do the stunt" mode. Anytime you've got an able, atheletic actor you gotta weigh the risks of the stunt against possible injury. AT's little knock down was inexpereienced cockyness in some ways. She and Jay A. had a tiny miscommunication about who would do what. And AT maybe didn't get the message not to lead into the wall with her head
Not using a double (allowing an actor to do a stunt) is attractive to a director because you can film the action without cuts, without changes in camera angles, to hide that the stunt person isn't the regular guy or gal. Next time you see a stunt done on the show check out when the camera view changes. You'll likely see someone's backside as they take a punch. Odds are that person is the stuntie.
Another trick is implied actions. My favorite thing in season one where action is inferred is Tin Man where Robo-Jack takes a jump off a catwalk. No stuntie needed. They show a leap and they cut to a landing. Filmed in two parts of shorter leaps, put together the height is imagined by the viewer and the toughness of Robo-Jack is impressed in the mind.
However, with more CGI techniques coming out, as shown in Double Jepoardy and the first Jurassic park film, it is becoming a trick of the trade to impose a actor's face over that of the stunt person. The scene this has been shown as a "first" in the industry is the scene from Jurassic Park where the young girl falls off the ladder while climbing into the false celing. A stunt person did the fall, postproduction put the terrified girls face in for the brief look of terror directed upward.
No clue if this has made an appearance in a SG show, but it shouldn't be beyond the post-production crews ability.