6.05: Nightwalkers


Mr. Flibble is very cross
May 24, 2001

Info on a new eppy called nightwalkers, from what I've read, it souds pretty cool :D
Its an earth based ep with the NID and plenty of goauld
For more info, look at the site below

I thought everyone was saying this show was getting to be like the X-Files II. I think they're right. And why does half the main characters have to suffer
during the first half of season six? What's next? Someone has an half-alien child? The ideas they're leaking scare me.
Apart from what you just mentioned, I think this episode is going to be pretty good, and I've been waiting for something with a lot of Goa'uld on Earth...I think this qualifies.
I think this came from the same source:

In the middle of the night, a phone call wakes Carter. the call is from Dr. Flemming, whom she has never met. He starts to tell her that "the project" was never stopped. He doesn't say which project, but mentions Adrian Conrad, who became a Goa'uld host in Season Five's "Desperate Measures". He asks for some protection, and then Carter hears what sounds like a car crash.
Carter, Teal'c and Jonas are sent out to investigate. Jack doesn't go, and Carter is in charge of mission. They go to a small town were the biotech firm that Flemming was working for is located. The sheriff tells them that Flemming's car was found wrecked, but his body wasn't there when help arrived. Flemming has vanished. The sheriff suspects foul play, and the biotech firm has burned down just prior to SG-1's arrival. Very X-Files.

Most of the towns people have immature Goa'uld in their heads which, like Kawalski in the first season episode "The Enemy Within", can't control them all the time. The Goa'uld are building a ship to try to escape from Earth. The NID know about the whole thing.

There's some comic relief with Jonas and Teal'c doing the "aliens trying to act like ordinary humans" thing. Carter is possessed by a Goa'uld, but all turns out well in the end.

I would prefer that the X-Files continued for another season, and that Stargate stayed being Stargate, but what does anyone care what I think? :(
You and me both Dave. WTF are TPTB thinking? If I wanted the X-Files, I'd still be watching it.

Also, the plot doesn't make any sense.

Spoiler Space

1. Why would the NID want to clone Goa'ulds? They know how dangerous they are, so why would they let loose a plague of them upon the earth? Also, how would they do this? We can barely clone cats, let alone aliens.

2. Why would Sam be checking this out? When did she join the FBI?

3. What on earth would Jonas be doing there? Teal'c can at least sense goa'uld's, but Jonas, (being completely ignorant of goa'uld, AND American culture) would be completely useless.

4. Sam gets blended again? Geez, would it really kill TPTB to think up a new plot? It's as bad as the Sarah/Osiris thing. It's a definite sign of shark-jump when a show recycles its own plot lines.

5. Doesn't it take years for a symbiote to grow large enough to take a host? Desperate Measures was only last year.

6. Where's Jack? Bad enough Daniel is gone, but to get rid of the star?

7. How could the whole goa'uld-gate thing possibly be kept secret after this? I could picture a few, strictly controlled experiments, but not infesting an entire town with goa'ulds.

As they say at the fametrackers forum (www.fametracker.com) "You've wrecked my disbelief's suspension!". I was undecided about season 6, but reading these spoilers has made up my mind.
Re:'Nightwalkers' et al.

I'm beginning to wonder why they still call the programme, 'Stargate S.G.1', 'cos the Stargate seems to be used less and less. Might just as well pack it up and send it to Area 51.

Don't it always go to show, that you don't know what you've got till it's gone - they've taken S.G.-1, and put 'em in an 'X-files' plot

T.P.T.B. really don't seem to appreciate what they've got here. They have this wonderful device that can send people to other worlds - any one of potentially thousands - in a matter of seconds, and then have them home in time for tea. :) They can also revisit worlds at will, which you can't do from a space ship.

Don't they realize that if we want conspiracies, we can watch 'The X-files'; if we want to watch the limited scope of stories set on board a space ship, we can watch 'Star Trek' and its spin-offs.

There are so many possible historical/scientific/mythological/ futuristic/fantasy/A.U./etc., etc., etc. scenarios to plunder too. We haven't seen much in an oriental vein so far and just because they've visited worlds that are Egyptian or Norse or mediaeval, doesn't mean those cultures can't be used again, because their development would be totally different on different worlds.

Handled right, 'Stargate S.G.-1' could easily run for another hundred episodes. The only limiting factor is the scriptwriters' imagination.

Oh, yeah, just seen the fatal flaw there... :(

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
I hear you, Hat'...

I don't see the problem for the writers with Stargate - they seem strangled by their own apathy it seems. :(

The Stargate has possibilities that no other sci-fi shows have and yet the iris is left to rust while on earth politics are discussed instead. ZZZZzzzzz.

I have to say though, that in my opinion the show is on thin ice with the team being fractured as it is. In general, people like things to stay the same - it's comforting, in a 'my blanky' kinda way...it's the one constant that rolls the show forward with (hopefully) good ideas from the writers to back it up.

But you never know - maybe the writers have scanned the fan fic for ideas and S6 will turn out to be 'The Return of the Stargate' afterall. And maybe the fabulous storylines will smooth TNG's acceptance into the fold.

Ah yes... TNG.

Sky just screened 'Forever in a Day', in which Daniel resigned and
Robert Rothman was assigned to S.G.-1 in his place.

Don't know if this counts as a continuity error, BUT:
JACK: "General, the guy's got two left feet, I'm telling you he slows down the unit."

DANIEL: "You know, Rothman was a two time Decathlon champion in college."

JACK: "Rothman?"

HAMMOND: "Two left feet, huh?"

DANIEL: "Trying to get Robert out of your unit?"

JACK: "Well, yeah."

Now does this sound like a guy who would accept as a member of his team an alien to whom he said in 'Meridian':
JACK: "We're only in this mess because you and your buddies are lying cowards trying to cover your own incompetence!"
It doesn't seem very likely, does it? :rolleyes: :mad:

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
But then that'll be the hook now, won't it!

See, there'll be that 'I don't like you, but I guess I'll put up with you' thing from Jack - and we'll all be cheering for TNG 'cos we feel sorry for the way Jack is treating him - and hey, by mid season TNG will have gained Jack's admiration and trust enough to be a bonified member of the SG team. :D

Now, does that remind you of anything???

Originally posted by Shadrak
But then that'll be the hook now, won't it!

See, there'll be that 'I don't like you, but I guess I'll put up with you' thing from Jack - and we'll all be cheering for TNG 'cos we feel sorry for the way Jack is treating him -

Erm, no, we'll be saying, "Go with your gut instinct, Jack. Don't trust the smarmy little crawler."

and hey, by mid season TNG will have gained Jack's admiration and trust enough to be a bonified member of the SG team.

And then we'll be saying, "Send for Dr. MacKenzie. Jack's obviously lost it entirely. Find him a nice quiet padded room..." :D

Now, does that remind you of anything???

Pavement pizza? :eek: :D

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
gees you guys make me laugh. I think you're on to something there. Maybe the iris did rust shut & they don't want to admit it so they just don't use it. As for the..

.Sam gets blended again, does this mean she get's to keep the memories of the new G as well as Jolanar, man that must be confusing, let's watch a few more eps with Sam getting mixed up in all 'her' new feelings & knowledge...I have a little bit of hope still left for S6 let's see how quickly hope fades...of course this won't stop me from buying all 5 remaining sesons on DVD...IF THEY EVER RELEASE THEM IN CANADA & THE US! sigh, don't mind me...
Originally posted by skoon

Sam gets blended again, does this mean she get's to keep the memories of the new G as well as Jolanar, man that must be confusing

Maybe they'll let her share that nice padded room with Jack (see above). That should please the 'Shippers at least... :evil: :D

Best wishes,
Hatshepsut :wave:
personally...is spoiler space really necessary when talking about nightwalkers in the nightwalker thread in season 6 part of the forum???

i'll admit it does sound...different.

as for why sam's investigationg it...i guess to try and keep it secret. bear in mind, likely why they go there is to investigate teh phone call, not realizing that they're going into a town fulla goa'uld.

i really don't know how it'll all play out. one thing i do know...when i read the initial spoilers for window of opp (time loop...yippee) or urgo (imaginary aliens...wow) i was more than a little skeptical and i ended up liking them.
fail safe...well it did turn out a little better than i'd thought. me personally, i'll wait until july and i can see the end product before i dismiss it as rubbish out of hand
Originally posted by skydiver
personally...is spoiler space really necessary when talking about nightwalkers in the nightwalker thread in season 6 part of the forum???

Probably not, but usually by the time I get to talk about an episode it has already been shown in the US, and I find the first 3 pages of the thread are pure speculation based on the title and one or two little nuggets. I on the other hand, just (supposing that any of it is actually true) gave away the whole plot in the fourth post.

But I will also reserve my judgement until I see the final product. That doesn't stop the fact that I still would rather see 'off-world exploration' stories though!
the latest thing i heard is that sam ISN'T blended..she pretends to be to infiltrate the townspeople. she uses the bits of jolinar and the voice thingie we see in proving ground.

the people are building a ship, which the nid knows about. the nid is letting them do all the work so they can slip in and swipe the ship once the folks get it done
Only goes to prove that we shouldn't jump to conclusions. That would explain why Carter 'leads' the mission.

It doesn't explain why Teal'c and Jonas go though!
well Teal'c is her Jaffa & Jonas is to be her new host or the host of her next lover-boy;)