Albus Dumbledore (Spoilers for Half Blood Prince)


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town

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150+ year old Albus Dumbledore is the current Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. He is the school's most respected figure, both wise and omniscient and he always has a watchful eye on Harry and the other school's pupils. He is one of the few figures that he who shall not be named, genuinely fears. Dumbledore's passions include literature, alchemy and thick woollen socks.
Dumbly dore rules! he's gentle yet powerful and kind even thoughhe doesn't realize his mistakes untill it's too late. but then most people don't relize thier mistakes untill it's too late.

I liked him all thorough the books and I'll sorley miss our dumbly dore in the movies even though we have the replacement already.

oh and in case you haven't noticed I like calling him Dumbly Dore. It's sorta my nickname for him since book four.
I really think the old dumbledore was good

I hope the new one can do as good as the first one did.. though it will be an odd change ^^'
i didint like the way the new dumbledore changed his role in the 3rd movie:(

but in the books he is awesome and is the coolest guy around:D:rolly2:
I think that Michael Gambon is doing a good job as Dumbledore. He did have a hard act to follow.

He is a great headmaster tho. Wish my kids had someone like him. :)
well annette mabye u should be checking to see if they have any talent for magic;):rolly2:
ooooh magic powers would be fun ;_; so would going to hogwarts.. *sigh* but it's just a boring old plain world XD
i know its so boring around here, why cant i see a random dragon fly by or something:(:rolly2:
Yeah, (Don't read this if you haven't read harry potter and the half-blood prince).
I didn't want him to die
I thought that he would die at some point, but not until the end of the 7th book. Killing him off this early was certainly a surprise.
* Possible Spolier*

Anyone seen Some good points raised!
Originally posted by FeedMeTV
* Possible Spolier*

Anyone seen Some good points raised!
Well laid out, thorough, logical.

Missing a contact email, for further ideas though. :(

Having one character, whom you are trying to inveigle into the enemy clan, "kill" one of your own side in a quite dramatic and public way is, of course, a classic literary device. Having just read the above website and since then re-read HBP with the specific mental note that Dumbledore WASN'T dead, but it was all a set-up, things perhaps make a lot more sense? [Like watching "Sixth Sense" already knowing the twist.]

The site mentions things like the Avada Kedavra performed by Snape had the wrong effect to be real and would have been easy to fake. Perhaps more importantly, if he hadn't performed some fake spell, assuming this theory holds, one of the half-dozen "real" Death Eaters on top of the tower WOULD have performed the real spell. Which would have been a disaster. And one of the last meetings with Harry, Snape really bellows at him "I am no coward". Which under this theory would be true - he has risked the most and technically been the most courageous, working right under HWMNBN's nose as a double-agent. Okay, there is still personal hatred for Harry and his family, but Snape would appear to still be on-message. For example, we've never had Dumbledore say what the big secret is for why he trust's the man. I'm predicting Harry is going to have to apologise, big time, to Snape in book 7, or even have to save his life.

Dumbledore could always see Harry, even under his cloak and could clearly sense Draco's approach. He could have petrified the boy as easily as he did to Harry but knew he didn't need to. What he needed instead was the most reliable witness to his own "demise": his star pupil, who incidentally would perhaps not spot the fix-up due to emotion (though it also fooled the Death Eaters) and more importantly might need to have that emotion as a back-stop during some confrontation with HWMNBN in book 7.

If the whole exercise is considered as: "how would I go about writing it IF Dumbledore's death was to be faked", then what is actually written is about as close as I suggest you'd get.
A wonderfully constructed analysis! What were your further points you wanted to share with the site? Perhaps we could discuss them here.
Originally posted by FeedMeTV
A wonderfully constructed analysis! What were your further points you wanted to share with the site? Perhaps we could discuss them here.
The bits in the grey box? (And would love to discuss them)

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