shelby and others mail me if interested in meeting
- its looks like I can go -
I can just barely scrape it into the budget despite the usual diasters ( two new bills to pay - no new work or sales sigh )
and I'ld like so NOT to do the last minute oops where did everyone go/ lost in the crowd thing I wanted to meet at lunch time thing - especially when there's a reasonable viet restaurant next door!
I cant junk food or snack for lunch - cos of my hypoglycaemia
anyone want a sitdown meal if the lunch break doesnt interfere with autograph queques???
I have no idea where my seat is but probably at the back somewhere?!
(depressed explanatory waffle optional reading ...)
neith is praying next weekend is better than this - broke my normal rules worked on a sunday and had a mega bad work experience of the problem adding to variety tho it was partly caused by a certain venue sooo NOT giving adequate PR support or easy public transport access to a market (yes moving the gate away from the bus stop is such a grrr clever idea - clearly making money from the car park fees is more important than good signage for foot traffic!!! aaaargh) I had a stall at ... and I'm still down in money and mood (3 months of prep wasted) !!!
down down down way down ...
I SOOO need majorly to have a GOOD break next weekend
- its looks like I can go -
I can just barely scrape it into the budget despite the usual diasters ( two new bills to pay - no new work or sales sigh )
and I'ld like so NOT to do the last minute oops where did everyone go/ lost in the crowd thing I wanted to meet at lunch time thing - especially when there's a reasonable viet restaurant next door!
I cant junk food or snack for lunch - cos of my hypoglycaemia
anyone want a sitdown meal if the lunch break doesnt interfere with autograph queques???
I have no idea where my seat is but probably at the back somewhere?!
(depressed explanatory waffle optional reading ...)
neith is praying next weekend is better than this - broke my normal rules worked on a sunday and had a mega bad work experience of the problem adding to variety tho it was partly caused by a certain venue sooo NOT giving adequate PR support or easy public transport access to a market (yes moving the gate away from the bus stop is such a grrr clever idea - clearly making money from the car park fees is more important than good signage for foot traffic!!! aaaargh) I had a stall at ... and I'm still down in money and mood (3 months of prep wasted) !!!
down down down way down ...
I SOOO need majorly to have a GOOD break next weekend