Spider-Man (2001)

Glad you enjoyed it Dave, I haven't watched it again since I saw it at the cinema last year, but it is certainly one of the best comic book adaptations ever made!

I just checked IMDB and the sequel (called "The Amazing Spider-Man) does feature Franco (Osbourne) in the credits, so I suppose we will be seeing him again. As I mentioned in the other thread, he does become the GG in the comics, but you can never treat the source material as sacred in Hollywood! ;)
Finally see the movie yesterday, I have my doubts I would like it and that's the reason I didn't go to see it. But I have to admit seeing it yesterday, that I was pleasantly surprise and find it a very good movie and very entertaining. I specially love Willem Defoe as the green goblin, I always have admire his work and find very entertaining his acting in this movie.

Krystal :D

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