The robot looked like a very bad looking mod Lamp. Definitely a film done on the Cheap . Ive seen this one several time, It good old fashioned B movie fun.The Terrornauts (1967)
Goofy British science fiction film. Our protagonists -- two science guys (one of whom, in flashback, reveals how, as a child, his archeologist dad dug up a black cube full of green crystals that gave him dreams of a planet with two moons), the Girl, and no less than two comedy relief characters (older Cockney woman who supplies the place with tea and coffee, and an auditor, who is played by the thin, wispy, bespectacled guy who shows up in a bunch of Carry On movies) hear signals from an asteroid and get their entire building picked up by a spaceship that carries them there. They meet a non-humanoid robot, an incredibly silly-looking monster than turns out to be an illusion, and eventually figure out they've been taken there to defend Earth from invaders. Along the way the Girl gets accidentally teleported to a planet full of spear-wielding guys with green skin who try to make her a human sacrifice, so one of the science guys can rescue her with a zap gun.
The sets are pop art wackiness, the special effects are at kiddie matinee level (toy spaceships, two moons that are just painted on the background), and the scenes in which the folks wear white rubber skullcaps full of wires connected to cones on black cubes (which provide information directly into their brains so they can fight the bad guy aliens) are worthy of giggles. It's all very childish. Written by the great SF author John Brunner, who must have had tongue firmly in cheek.