Weeell last night i watched The Empire Strikes Back, of course i love the movie, i love all the trilogy (tho Return of the Jedi is my personal fav *ducks projectiles* i just love those Ewoks how cute are they!)
Um, what else have i seen, oh yeah Hackers, i bought it on DVD its one of my all time fav movies
i know its not reality, but i love how cool and elite they make it seem, and i love all the NY scenes and how they go about on blades *sigh* i wanna be in the US just so i can go around on blades in New York! Do they really do that?!
And Starship Troopers was on the other night too, gotta love it even if its just for the gore-fest
i noticed a couple Star Wars connections in this movie, but maybe it was just because Star Wars was on the very next day lol, but i noticed that Starship Trooper ships they had in space had an X-Wing type shape, there are three central-ish characters - one girl, 2 guys, and in the end scene of Starship Troopers they walk off together thru the crowd in a row - just like in one of the Star Wars movies. I know, i'm reaching, but hey its what i do best!
Umm, thats all within the last couple days, and any further back i just cant remember!