I saw 'Blood Work' wiv Clint Eastwood in today. Since I love the Michael Connelly books ('Blood Work' is a modern day crime fiction novel), I thought I'd check out the movie. I was bitterly disappointed. Most of the major details had been left out of the film that were in the book, including the change of the KILLER!!!. I think that the only way in which the film resembled the book was that Terry McCaleb had a heart transplant that resulted in his taking the case. Clint is WAY too old 2 play Terry (who at this point should only be late 30s/ early 40s!) and, if this is nething 2 go by, I hope to god that they leave Connelly's magnificent 'Hieronymus Bosch' novels WELL ALONE! I'd hate to think what they'd do to those! Accuracy aside, the script was appauling and the acting was even worse! (The chemistry between Terry and Graciela was about as flat as a warm bottle of coke and the whole thing seemed forced and unnatural.) The only character I thought was accurate was the nagging Doctor played by Anjelica Houston (a.k.a. Morticia Adams!)!!!! It also really annoyed me that Clint kept clutching his chest or touching his transplant scar, Terry doesn't do that in the novel!
Has ne1 else got an opinion about this film or the novels?
Oh yeah i nearly forgot, LoTR- TTT is WICKED COOL!!!! Legolas! *faints* Elijah is soooo sweet!