Oh, my!
As one of the few who actually saw this one in the theater...well, I despised it...
I'm rethinking that opinion, based on your remarks. And it's hard, because my opinion was formed some years back, and I haven't thought about the movie since.... But I definitely recall coming out of the theater filled with dissatisfaction -- above all, dissatisfaction with the sheer implausibility of the film (for a fan of F and SF, that's saying a lot!).
But dissatisfaction, most of all, because I believed that they could have done so much more with this setting and concept -- but they went with depicting crazy people acting crazily...dystopia, indeed -- kind of like On the Beach, in some ways: last survivors roaming the world in a technological vehicle. But at least the people in the older movie had a plan, were searching for something; Snowpiercer was simply winding down in despair.. I guess I react badly to things like that.
Chris Evans was in that?! I did not remember that...