Yep, Jack and Sam exchanged a couple of comments in Sam's lab and Jack, as he's want to do, but his foot in it, but hey ... nothing new there. And the faulted S/J 'ship-in-a-ship'? No... just two Air Force officers in a plane. Pretty calm, on the whole. I suppose, if you pushed, you could have found some in the lab scene. And being a writer, I can read a lot into a scene if need be, so I guess I could read ship into the lab portion. Just nothing near as overt as folks see/saw in 'D&C' or the forcefield scene in the Goa'uld ship.
Anubis: We called them "BMO's", Anni [Black Moving Objects], but I can certainly go with 'Guiness Bottles'
Yep, I just didn't find him/her/it scary at all. I agree with Jack: "Oh, pleease!". Ya know, they could have saved a chunk on the SFX budget with him, I'm sure. Often times providing too much info is not as scary and just a hint.
Make-up: In BDU's? Yeah... right. I can just see the 'Big Mean Master Sergeant' in mascara. {MSG in the Army is E-8, not E-7 like the Air Force} I wore light makeup [shadow, light lipstick and mascara] in Greens, if I had to and that was it. The idea of makeup in BDU's or hospital whites = dumb. At least for me. JMHO-YMMV.
Symbiote: It was never said before if Dray'ac carried one, but, as mentioned, I would have thought if she had one she would have offered it to Rya'c back when he needed one. That seemed 'way out of canon.
Also: I thought Dry'ac and Ray'c lived in The Land of Light. {Unless I'm getting canon and fannon mixed here] and it sure didn't look like it to me. Way too much continuity confusion here.
I understand, as a writer, the usefullness of putting Jonas in Daniel's office, but: couldn't they have cleared it out first? If they had to show a transition, they could have shown boxes of his stuff, etc. It was 'way too uncomfortable for me to see him sitting at Daniel's desk, reading Daniel's notes, etc - it was like looking at a tresspasser. I honestly feel that thay entire placement scene could have been written differently without providing the feel of an 'interloper'. Again, IMHO-YMMV.
And Hat: it's never really been 'coming around to your way of thinking'. I've been trying to be as nutral as I could about this and giving them the chance just to see what would happen. I really do have my own opinions - I just often keep them kinda quite here. But, I think, the URL's at the bottom of my sig do express a bunch of my feelings.
All in all: I hope they can pull a rabbit out of their hat. Or, as Jack was telling Sam: pull a plan outt of their butt, becasue, right now? it's not doing a lot for me. I'm hanging on to see 'Abyss' and any other possible DJ episodes that may be coming down the pike.